LinkedList From Scratch PART 2 – C# C Sharp Visual Studio 2010

In this tutorial I show you how to create your own linked list similar to the List in C# from scratch. You can learn a lot from creating your own versions of common data structures. This is PART 2 WEBSITE: FORUMS http FREE CODE SNIPPETS
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Video tutorial posted 17/02/13
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Why can I only use LinkList, while you use LinkedList? what is the difference and where is LinkedList?
Would be easiest to have a private size property (with a public getter) that gets updated when you add, remove, and clear the list.
To simplify many functions:
Node getNode(int idx); // code first
private int _length; // maintain throughout
— interface
object LinkedList.remove(int idx); //should throw an exception instead of returning null
— or — the sig should be
bool remove(int idx, out object o); which does nada to o when out of bounds
bool replace(int idx, object oNew, out oOld);
and you also forgot the major function:
LinkedList append(LinkedList l); // return this
thank you very much for this video
I really love it.
this teaches me a lot.
and congcrat for being a partner. This is much better when you can upload 20 minute video.
to remind you this is how to write getter and setter:
public int Id { get; set;}