3D Minecraft Tutorial – Realistic Water

3D Minecraft Tutorial - Realistic Water

In this tutorial i try to show you how to create reasonably realistic water with the standard render that all versions of 3ds max has. —————————————————————- Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com My Other Channel: www.youtube.com —————————— If any of these tutorials helped you out and you create any awesome minecraft videos, please mention my channel I would be eternally grateful 🙂 —————————– Previous Tutorial [-How to create a Pig-]: youtu.be
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17 responses to “3D Minecraft Tutorial – Realistic Water”

  1. The3DSMAXChannel says:

    I use Camtasia.

  2. myk mor says:

    Please answer my question: which program do you use to capture screen and make tutorials?

  3. SocialMultiGamingSMG says:

    Thank you! I’ll try to use it, however if u make a tutorial would be great. 🙂

  4. The3DSMAXChannel says:

    I used a plugin for 3ds max called fume fx, as it’s a plugin i haven’t made a tutorial for it but i might if i have time.

  5. SocialMultiGamingSMG says:

    Hii, ive seen your channel in Socialblade channel ^^ I woudl like yo know how can i use the smoke effects like in your intro, in the IronMan shoes. Thanks and like!

  6. BasicDrizzle says:

    do you have a tutorial on creating a scene on minecraft?

  7. CosMicBurritto says:

    hey the3dsmaxchannel. could you please send me a msg on youtube? i really want to learn from the best. ive seen nothing better than your animations.

  8. NinjaSBEmail51 says:

    I wish I could watch and understand more, but 3DS Max doesn’t work with Mac. Can you please do Autodesk Maya 2013 or Blender?

  9. SasukeShiwa says:

    how can i download 3ds max?

  10. GearsofWarArchives says:

    yo that 3d shit you do is tufffffff

  11. The3DSMAXChannel says:

    Yep, though i was trying show it if you have an older version 3ds max which is very hard to do, but yea Mental ray is the way to go if you got a newer version, or ofc if you somehow obtain Vray which is better than any other renderer. 😛

  12. papkokarlos says:

    Mental Ray – Arch and Design – water = realistic water :3

  13. iFluffyHD v says:


  14. BlackNight69x says:

    One question my friend When you are 1 year in Socialblade how can i go out? do you know?

  15. The3DSMAXChannel says:

    Autodesk 3DS MAX 2012

  16. Sulfett says:

    which program we see in your video (sorry but i didnt hear)

  17. DrKrembo says:

    i need your skype !!!!!
    plz add me:

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