Dreamweaver Tutorial: Use Flash in Your Website. -HD-

Dreamweaver Tutorial: Use Flash in Your Website. -HD-

In this tutorial, you will learn how to put flash documents into your website using DreamweaverCS3. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE because there will be a new tutorial every week. Follow me on Twitter @RiverCityGraphx Like us on on facebook: on.fb.me Suggest tutorials at www.rivercitygraphix.com For project files, help forums, and more check out the website at http For business related inquires contact us at rivercitygraphix@yahoo.com

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13 responses to “Dreamweaver Tutorial: Use Flash in Your Website. -HD-”

  1. MrNewerdream says:

    Is it just me ore have YouTube becomed Wery Slooooow since the last update… :/ Cant eaven buff the fu”#ing video with 200mb/s…. Something is very wrong… Looks like a great video btw!! ^^

  2. Chris RockOn says:

    I have problem m8! When i try this the flash content does not appear to my browser, i got a message from a dreamweaver that “unable to find media pluggin blah blah”. I need to download anything else, already got flash player

  3. Persia Ace says:

    thank you for the usefull tutorial. i have one question, how do you put the pics? i have downloadet a flash galary, but i dont know how to put my pics in it?? :S


  4. wirewheely1 says:

    how do you do something like this?

    pacsync.com has a flash that has No frames?

  5. miroticYJ says:

    what would you do if you wanted to add music rather than a slideshow ? like if i wanted to put a video or just sound playing ?

  6. yovansan23 says:

    “In this tutorial, you will learn how to put flash documents into your website using Dreamweaver CS3.”

    Was that difficult to read?

  7. Felician Galgau says:

    Americanii creeaza website-uri, olandezii construiesc masini zburatoare, italienii fac autostrade moderne…sistemul din Romania manipuleaza calculatoarele, intercepteaza telefoanele, manipuleaza oamenii…SISTEM DICTATORIAL FASCIST….tiganii Uniunbii Europene…GUNOAIE FASCISTE

  8. Michelle Ros says:

    Which version of dreamweaver do u have? Because I don’t see any red F on the top.. I have DW cs5

  9. StretchGames3000 says:

    do you know how to publish it to the web?

  10. maxpowd3r says:

    can’t tell if it’s a girl or boy talking…

  11. tachedturtle says:

    Thanks for the tutorial. If only the manuals could explain things that clear.

  12. Carey Ren says:

    thanks, very helpful,

  13. bidsbr387872012 says:

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