Edit this Portrait In Adobe Lightroom

Edit this Portrait In Adobe Lightroom

http://froknowsphoto.com/?p=3842 How would you edit this weeks file, click the link above to find out how you can download the RAW file and try for yourself.

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20 responses to “Edit this Portrait In Adobe Lightroom”

  1. jimlap777 says:

    I’d go for #2, or maybe #3 because of the darker wall

  2. Recon9143 says:

    and this folks is why photographers should never give clients the RAW files. Good video.

  3. BigTattoo70 says:

    looks like split toning

  4. Megan Olesen says:

    I like the fourth one!

  5. Ricardo Junior says:

    Seus videos são muito bons amigo! sucesso! BRA

  6. Onali Ismail says:

    Hi. What software are you using for the live application capture? Thanks

  7. ISawGold says:

    I don’t have Lightroom in front of me, but in Photoshop you can customize the size of the select box then use that to crop.

  8. Dominique Richardson says:

    but cropping it wont re-size the image to the starting dimensions

    i’m assuming you mean to use the marquee tool, then invert, then delete as the way to crop correct?

  9. ISawGold says:

    I disagree. It’s a glamour shot. You don’t get points for telling the truth.

  10. ISawGold says:

    crop it, save as, then undo it

  11. TravisJMedia says:

    uploaded at my birthday

  12. Clarence Carr says:

    Your hair is epic.

  13. Jason Sturgess says:

    Number 4 is the best 🙂 Can someone tell me how num 4 was done as Id like to do this with my clients photos ?

  14. Julian Hebda says:

    Thank you for inform.

  15. alw7 says:

    Thank you! I’m so overwhelmed thinking there is a “right” way to edit a photo. I’m sure there is a “slight” right way, but the rest is what the photographer may like when editing their photo.

  16. Dominique Richardson says:

    at the 5:13 mark how would I go about enlarging the imagine to achieve what you see there and making that a new image?

    for example take a picture that is 500×333 zoom in to the point where i only see her eye, crop what see and make that a new image

  17. Twostones00 says:

    I like the un-altered original best.

  18. piratos74houssem says:

    The Best PS color correction pack 😀

  19. Ramtin K says:

    link to download the raw file is not available 🙁

  20. james canonuser says:

    1 and 4 for me

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