iMovie app for iPhone 4 (Review/Tutorial)

iMovie app for iPhone 4 (Review/Tutorial)

iMovie is a mobile version of the Apple’s popular consumer video editing package on Mac OS X. The app sells for .99 and offer video editing, titling, speci…
Video Tutorial Rating: 4 / 5

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16 responses to “iMovie app for iPhone 4 (Review/Tutorial)”

  1. paramorerox58 says:

    looks cool. Does anyone else have this app and think its worth to get???

  2. Travis Austin says:

    You live in the same city as me!!!!!!

  3. Karo2theG says:

    @lululemonluwam No, but you can use slow motion apps, save that video into your camera roll, and then pull that into iMovie

  4. writershannon says:

    just bought it. Thanks so much

  5. TechnologyMastermind says:

    That looks like a pretty good app, I think I’m gonna get it right now!

  6. 96blkonblkSs says:

    Wtf bro this should of came with thee iphone4s or 4 thx bro downloading this app 4 sure way faster then computer editing

  7. lululemonluwam says:

    can you fastforward or slow down on this app?

  8. wonjun na says:


  9. Bob Williams says:

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  10. cuterina1236 says:

    Please answer this question can you do the same effects with the i phone like on the imac!!!!

  11. Janelle Burton says:

    can you slow down?! you barely give the app a chance to display itself… calm down.. go slower next time geez

  12. ComixInc00 says:

    Our you could do that better with splice for free

  13. CharmingDelights says:


  14. MrCabutotan says:

    Great video

  15. TheLamadjuret says:

    Take a search at Lill kryddarN  if u want to see a funny action movie i made:)

  16. SuperGhost9090 says:

    Can u add sound effects like cars Driving and gunshots?

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