JQuery Mobile + Dreamweaver full mobile site tutorial

JQuery Mobile + Dreamweaver full mobile site tutorial

Hi, this is a tutorial for creating a simple but pretty looking mobile site. I will be building upon this by creating a tutorial on how to include native fun…
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14 responses to “JQuery Mobile + Dreamweaver full mobile site tutorial”

  1. Robert Ellis says:

    is there a way of doing this tutorial in full with dreamweaver cs5 please?

  2. Matt Duff says:

    handsome voice you got there

  3. plokuun89 says:

    Cool tuts sir 🙂

    But would it be better to create another html page for the about and links?

    Makes it easy to identify errors 🙂

  4. Aadi P says:


  5. Francisco Peinado says:

    That´s a cool video and very useful. Wherever you do – Never give up! All the best. From Brazil.

  6. iGamesHelper123 says:

    I absolutely love how you said very quickly, yet the video is an hour long. Must watch due to awesome comments! 🙂

    Before I begin though, I would like to request for you to show about how the login system works. I am a beginner and I am still learning.


  7. Jamuna Poon says:

    WOW its helps me a lot ..thank u soo much

  8. Neeraj Rathore says:

    really thankyou for this tutorial , please if you have any information related to database connectivity with jquery mobile , please tell me

  9. Luis Barrueto says:

    Thanks a lot, including the misstakes. It’s real life 🙂

  10. mohammed thaskeen says:

    gr8 tuts man, thanx for the tuts,

  11. aZshareKonah says:

    the secunde one you say! i working at a school project witch we should build a mobile friendly website. something like this–>dmbenzinpriser.dk

  12. mason6662006 says:

    Cheers mate, Of course :0D but by database, are you referring to Local / Session storage? for example to store persistant parameters such as theme preferences or are you looking for something which calls on an external DB via a server-side connector… for example: Mobile site > PHP Call (via Ajax)> MySQL

  13. aZshareKonah says:

    thanks man!i appreciate your work and i have request. can please you make another tutorials about database in jquery mobile with dreamweaver… thakns again…

  14. mason6662006 says:

    Cheers, I appreciate your feedback mate 🙂

    I will be making a follow up which covers wrapping the app up with phonegap 🙂

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