Photoshop CS4 Rainbow eyes tutorial.

Photoshop CS4 Rainbow eyes tutorial.

This is a simple cool looking effect 🙂 Enjoy! ****Several years later and I still could not care less about how my voice sounded. For my real art check out …
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14 responses to “Photoshop CS4 Rainbow eyes tutorial.”

  1. Abdul qureshi says:

    OMG! Did anyone notice that cat hrr hrr voice at 4:45?

  2. Scarecrow01011987 says:

    Easier ways to do it

  3. 360stigmata says:

    Great vid man and there is nothing wrong with your voice. Love your tuts. Continue to post

  4. 360stigmata says:

    Great vid man and there is nothing wrong with your voice love your tuts. Continue to post

  5. SrpskiPhotoShop Tutoriali says:


  6. HelpingHand48 says:

    WOW. Amazingly simple

  7. Macro Insanulous says:

    Is your mic a potato?

  8. Ermal Ademi says:

    Love you man Thank you so much !!

  9. GotiXmuc says:

    good job kiddo 🙂

  10. OldManJenkins12345 says:

    how old are you then

  11. Luke Lesufi says:

    Brilliant tutorial, thank you very much! 🙂

  12. hamza yüksel says:

    Eyw yenge saol makbule geçti

  13. Doug White says:

    Not sure about this site, just go to piratebay, they have it all, remember,keygens are no good on most programs like adobe photoshop, cause adobe will check the code through the server. u have to have a file in hosts, that blocks there check, but, theres some cracks that works really well.I have to adobe master collection, 🙂

  14. Doug White says:

    you could do it in Adobe after effects. msg me, will tell u how to get the adobe master collection 🙂

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