Photoshop HDR Tutorial

Photoshop HDR Tutorial

A normal workflow of livening up a flat image into an HDR style masterpiece.
Video Tutorial Rating: 4 / 5

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23 responses to “Photoshop HDR Tutorial”

  1. Konstantin Telitsyn says:

    My eyes is bleeding after watching this video.

  2. J Criss says:

    Good tutorial but some parts ya kinda just jumped without explaining things enough. I figured it out but it kept me on my toes.

  3. zykonaton says:

    Absolutely!! Good tutorial tho if you can cope with the clicking..

  4. YouLaToya says:

    The clicking, oh my… I guess you’re the only person on earth who isn’t annoyed by that.

  5. Siddharth Patil says:

    quite like it. First timer on HDR – works beautifully. However, on the usage of curves, would have more merit in using ‘magic wand tool’ where objects are not rectangular.

    nailxthexcasket should do more tuts with different settings. upload a landscape or one with a person as subject… would also be quite useful to get your insight on those.

  6. PJ Brennan says:

    mouse sound is irritating

  7. CastAirLead says:

    Too fast

  8. naushikaa01 says:

    Great job and thanks! But can you please tell me what’s going wrong if after the first step of sampling the black and white points in the image, my image goes very cold/blue?

  9. Tha Scarecro says:

    I hated when you would do keyboard shortcuts on something. Like you desaturated something to black and white and i dont konw the shortcut for that. SO i went to image>DESATURATE and it ruined the whole thing.

  10. mrconcept says:

    guy needs to do more tuts. very good

  11. Dror Felman says:

    CLICK! CLICK!! CLICK!!! :-||

  12. Jack Martin says:


  13. tmk01011 says:

    I just created a starter website to try and sell a few photos that I have taken in hdr, if you would check it out.

  14. hinterstella says:

    I wanted to watch this but that god-awful mouse-clicking was driving me insane.

  15. Steve Nielsen says:

    Background noise, jumpy screen, crazy loud mouse, and very quick through the steps = thumbs down

  16. ThePixelGangster says:

    /watch?v=Et5-wO767Xo&feature=g-upl —>>>> ♥♥♥ HDDDRRR Tutorial 😛

  17. skyking166 says:

    I’m a student by trade, and so I’ve come to an understand that the best way for most students to learn is 1. Understand what they’re learning 2. Inspired to learn. Just a different perspective 😀

  18. Dragonmk188 says:

    Good tutorial but please kill that mouse I almost killed my self.

  19. Clarence Yang says:

    good tutorial, easy understanding for beginner …

  20. Jean Christensen says:

    Thank you showing this, I really appreciate it!! I do think you may have mumbled a little too much and went over the steps REALLY fast (I’m a teacher by trade and so I’ve learned to 1. slow down and 2. repeat myself. A LOT).

    But nonetheless, this is fantastic – thanks again!

  21. ozzymuzzy246 says:

    lol @8:05 

  22. redavusa says:

    when making a video, stop the taskbar from popping up & down–just fix it so the screen doesn’t constantly bounce around

  23. Miki9899 says:

    **** 4 stars
    A good starting point & intro for beginners in HDR. Now it’s time to go to work!

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