Techniques to Improve Landscape Photos! -Adobe Lightroom 4

Facebook Photography Page: *Be sure to hit that ‘Like’ button to help me out! 🙂 In this tutorial, I’ll be going…
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Video tutorial posted 19/03/13
Category: Lightroom Tutorials

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tks !
Haha, thanks man :)
I love how your voice sounds.. No Homo. Giving Aussie accents a good reputation :3 Sick tutorial mate!
Haha thanks :)
oh Man.!! You are Awesome. 😉
You’re welcome! :)
Your work is really good. Thanks for the tutorials, they really help. Keep up the good work.
Thanks a lot 🙂
Very good and useful stuf. Great work!!
It’s a song called corporate feeling.
i like the music
what is the song name?
Thanks a lot 🙂
I really like your tutorials man, thanks a lot and indeed I subscribe
i think there are some people don’t like too much “MSG” in their photos, haha,
Thanks, and your’e very welcome!
Your video’s are exceptionally good, thank you for the lightroom tutorials.
Not too sure either, all I think about is the comparison of thumbs ups and downs though 🙂
why do people thumb this down? i don’t get it. its good info
You’re welcome, and I’m guessing you’re talking about the noise in your photos. That will be either caused my shooting with a high ISO, or trying to add too much brightness into the shadows which will increase the visibility of it. To avoid it, you could try shooting with a lower ISO or adding some noise reduction in Lightroom or CameraRAW, however that will soften your overall photo.
Thank u so much for your awesome tutorials . I have a doubt and I think you can help me on that . Once I finish all the adjustment , there are some red dots coming in the dark areas .. How I can avoid that .. thanks in advance..
Thanks 🙂
Thanks 🙂
Thanks 🙂