Using Action Movie FX with iMovie

Using Action Movie FX with iMovie

A method for using the effects from the popular iOS app Action Movie FX with iMovie and other editors such as Final Cut and Premiere. Action Movie FX:
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19 responses to “Using Action Movie FX with iMovie”

  1. Kimura Tatuya says:


  2. ThadeEMN says:

    What app?

  3. ben mueller says:

    i have imovie ’09 and i can

  4. easyvideocretaion says:

    This is the fastest way to create a video, check the link on my profileI

  5. Bigboom670 says:

    If you have “blending modes” or “compositing modes” on your editor, it’s best to film against black. You can then set the blend mode to “add” or “screen”.

  6. Alpertunga Pelik says:

    cool please answer

  7. Alpertunga Pelik says:

    hiiii i am doing a new action fx movie and my movie is very interesting and amazing and
    i am doing in i pad and i pad effects but my effects no arms effect

  8. LibraryOfLaughter says:

    I did that on my Super Honkey video! Worked Awesome Thanks!

  9. blitzz0nejr says:

    thx man

  10. Morgan Blackmore says:

    hey where did you get that iphone stand it is real COOL!!! PLEASE ANSWER

  11. Andy Bradley says:

    I didnt think the app could work in imovie.. Nice one man! 🙂

  12. OUTZONER55 says:

    Click the “iMovie” icon right next to the apple logo to the top left. Next click on preference and you should see advanced settings.

  13. Pinkyice003 says:

    Is it possible to use chroma on iMovie?

  14. blitzz0nejr says:

    how do I enable advanced features?

  15. Larry Hughes Jr. says:

    what is the tripod that you use to hold your iPhone? I was also looking for the chroma key blue/green screen that you used and I could not find it. Can you give me a link to it?

  16. Larry Hughes Jr. says:

    what is the tripod that you use to hold your iPhone? I was also looking for the chroma key blue/green screen that you used and I could not find it. Can you give me a link to it?

  17. Larry Hughes Jr. says:

    what is the tripod that you use to hold your iPhone? I was also looking for the chroma key blue/green screen that you used and I could not find it. Can you give me a link to it?

  18. ge626fry says:

    Nice! Did you use Google Translate?

  19. LOCKMAN200 says:

    I know how thebtsmaclvor you have to save the fx to you camera roll and then plug your iPad,iPhone,or iPod to you Mac and the videos will import to iPhoto then you go to iMovie and load the videos

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