WordPress Theme Tutorial: Part 1 – Setup

This tutorial will teach you how to make your own theme using WordPress, the popular blogging tool. This video talks about some basics of theme setup, and ad…
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Video tutorial posted 25/03/13
Category: WordPress Tutorials

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I was frustrated..
(about ready to die actually LOL)
chasing the “marketing method of the month”..
Today’s children might be looking at “holograms” of marketing messages from beams blasting out of their smart phones..
While the methods of marketing and making money change..
The principles are the same..
Learn how to “reap the profits” of using “secret stealth” marketing methods..
Combined with with timeless marketing wisdom that “inspires buyers to take action”..
What about these codes now are they still same or some changed ?. Let me know 😉
Browse Free and Premium Blogger Themes from besttheme[dot]net – the largest website of its kind for Blogger Templates and wordpress Template.
Very nice. I learned so much from your tutorial. In fact thinking of creating some application using wordpress. Thank you so much. Good job. I subscribed your channel and liked it. I would like to learn more about adding slider, showing post from a single category and plugings.
when it comes to creating a full featured and profitable website, I have the solution for you. This is the the first full featured wordpress training you’ll find. do not lose this opportunity!. visit my channel to watch the one video I uploaded. just watch this: ===> /watch?v=6TSpIQ9lWv0 <-- or click on my username
when it comes to mobile web design, free wordpress plugins are the best. I demonstrated one of those on my latest video on my channel. Don’t get scammed by marketers who try to sell you their overpriced plugins when there are better alternatives. just visit: ==> /watch?v=6TSpIQ9lWv0 <== or visit my channel
Thx for the details.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_header() in C:xampphtdocswordpresswp-contentthemestutorial1index.php on line 1
This is an amazing tutorial 😀 thanks for sharing with us.
Good tutorial. Thanks for sharing.
Actually, we are creating similar tutorials ourselves. Check it out.
You can create a theme in Photoshop without any coding skills.
Subscribe to our channel 🙂
also the link for sample posts is dead 🙁
I am new to wordpress so bear with me. What i want to know is that is this theme installable? i.e. can this be applied like the default (twentyten & twentyeleven) themes??
Helpful for starters, thanks. I usually like taking a freebie theme and bending it to my will…now with this tutorial anything is possible.
your video is confusing.
cool tutorial thanks 🙂
Thanks for uploading,really helpful
great video, it is very helpful to see someone create a wp theme live 🙂
A PHP file is NOT “just HTML with PHP code added.” The output of a PHP script can contain HTML, but PHP has little to do with HTML otherwise.
i love you!!!!!!!! i was searching for it days and days!!!!!
so say I want to copy a site look like rhettandlink’s site all I do is make a header.php put the header info from the html info from the head of their site and do the same thing with the rest of the php files you need. their site is also ran using wordpress if so then it should be a piece of cake I will try what you did here and see if not I will keep reading my php for beginners book I just got.
This was made over a year ago, and the site that I was linking to has been taken offline. The style.css can be found in my later tutorials.
nice tutorial! see this also for qucick blogging – tinyurl(dot)com/4cc8ejv
Great tutorial, thank you.