After Effects Tutorial: Slide Transition

Here’s my first tutorial on a simple slide transition! If you want to learn any other transitions, show me an example and Ill be glad to make another tutoria…
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Video tutorial posted 20/04/13
Category: After Effects Tutorials
Tags: After, Effects, Slide, Transition, Tutorial

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Thanks man!<3
You’re a robber.
great video man XD just wondering what spec is your computer ? would i need a top of the range computer to render a video like this ? 🙂 many thanks
You’re a clown.
You’re a genius.
Very basic, but very useful!
so u still use CS4 ?
yea but, when i switched over to cs6 from cs4 it didnt happen to me :/
You can just copy and past the plug-in files, it’s really easy.
because i dont want to go through the hassle of getting all my plugins again
watch his latest video he still uses it im commenting this on every video until he answers :/ besides he could have been using cs5
Check the date 😀
Please please bro can you make a tutorial on how to add your clip sound on adobe after effects please man i need help
Baker, why do u still use cs4??
nevermind.. i found a video fo u doing it already. lmao
Hey Baker, how did you do that spoke and flare thing in ur intro.
Your friends with Neko too!
I dont have those 4 buttons on the layer menu next to the layers
hold CTRL whilst doin it i think.
when I want to shift my center to another point, It is just the point that moves and not the video…HELP ME PLZ!
WTF when i di the last transition my clip was just black till the transition
how do you do the one so its dpins up and repeats?
*Gets thumbed up 90000x* xD