Fireworks Text Effect in Photoshop CS6

Fireworks Text Effect in Photoshop CS6

In this tutorial, we’re going to create a fireworks text effect in Photoshop. You’re going to learn how to create your own custom brushes, use Photoshop’s Br…
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12 responses to “Fireworks Text Effect in Photoshop CS6”

  1. mackanboy123 says:

    i cant find the brush

  2. Ghostmb says:

    I’d really like to see a Starcraft II text effect!

  3. Neeshpeesh123 says:

    Thanks for this…I want to see the rest of your face really bad. 🙂

  4. joss gitlin says:


  5. Andrej Vojvoda says:

    pen presure doesn’t work for me, it’s same

  6. Kassie Flores says:

    yes! me too! :/

  7. Rithwik Nandy says:

    Youre great man

  8. anis909 says:

    Hey Howard , how do i get rid of the Work Path once i’m done, Please reply 🙂

  9. Magdalena Joubert says:

    Wow, so easy. Thanks a lot.

  10. yogamommy6 says:

    Is it possible to accomplish this on elements?

  11. SebMyllie says:

    Yeah I have that problem too

  12. Talz Neziri says:

    hey man u are to mainstream

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