Wedding Photo Enhancement Tutorial – Lightroom

Wedding Photo Enhancement Tutorial - Lightroom

Here is a quick tutorial on enhancing a wedding photo using light room.
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19 responses to “Wedding Photo Enhancement Tutorial – Lightroom”

  1. FirstPhotographyTips says:

    After watching this well explained video with such clear tips to follow, I really do believe that I am now an improved digital photographer…. Thanks! If you would like to take a look at my beginner photography tips, do check out I’d really apreciate your comments… Thanks!

  2. RevRazPL says:

    And now zoom in (crop 100%) and you will see how big artifacts u have done! exspecialy useing lumminance colors.

  3. Mark Jason says:

    it looks great..

  4. Bharat Gosai says:

    nice work

  5. cooljordan89 says:

    Thank you SO much for a quick, simple, and effective way to really improve photos!

  6. jaggudey says:

    awesome video mate. I always did the warming and some other important steps in PS and I think it does a lot more destructive PP there than in lightroom. Just tried out the steps you’ve used here and I think I’m going to stick to this from now on. Bye bye ACR.

    Thanks again.

  7. av8mm says:

    awesome, it shows that you have spent time learning your tools of the trade.

  8. Baabish Hussain says:

    sweet video

  9. Baabish Hussain says:

    sweet ass video

  10. jason flynn says:

    I love seeing the simple steps to amazing enhancements …. thanks for posting!

  11. papysuave2 says:

    wowwww great video, thanks …….make more tutorials whit lightroom 3

  12. jaysedai says:

    The music is by Vienna Teng (Gravity). She’s my favorite singer.

  13. jaysedai says:

    The music is by Vienna Teng (Gravity). She’s my favorite singer.

  14. TREXLOUW says:

    whats the name of the soundtrack. nice music by this theme!

  15. jaysedai says:

    Sure, not all photos are appropriate for vignetting, but if your subject isn’t too close to an edge, it helps focus attention.

  16. TimoKick says:

    @jaysedai: Very nice ! Although I personally disagree about the vignette. Client may or may not love them, but starting into there will eventually only get worse. Make your own justifications and reasoning for when a vignette is and is not appropiate. In most cases (especially when the subject is near the edge) I find a vignette inappriopiate cause it doesn’t do what a vignette should do, in those cases it adds a non-beautifying grey overley on the face.

    @doloreska13: It’s Adobe Lightroom

  17. doloreska13 says:

    is it photoshop?

  18. pannysat says:

    great video, thanks for sharing!

  19. mysterioussss925 says:

    i found this extremely helpful, i didn’t know how to take the saturation off the face, thanks!

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