10- Introduction to Dreamweaver Tutorial (CS5)

10- Introduction to Dreamweaver Tutorial (CS5)

Description: If you would like to download this completed website along with the framework and resources (images and JavaScript) used to create the site with…
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12 responses to “10- Introduction to Dreamweaver Tutorial (CS5)”

  1. Diego Ornelas says:

    Wow!! Thanks buddy, just PERFECT!!

  2. vincent bellittera says:

    I have done this website before and it worked great, but I am doing it again and when I put in my own images and even the social media icons from the framework, they have that yellow box around them in design view. They are fine in live view and look good when previewed in my browser. Will this hurt the end product with some people not being able to see it on their browser or the search engine from indexing? Thanks.

  3. Felician Galgau says:

    Americanii creeaza website-uri, olandezii construiesc masini zburatoare, italienii fac autostrade moderne…SISTEMUL DIN ROMANIA…manipuleaza calculatoarele, intercepteaza telefoanele, manipuleaza oamenii…SISTEM DICTATORIAL FASCIST…tiganii Uniunii Europene…GUNOAIE FASCISTE….SABOTORI NENOROCITI

  4. botshelo phoenix says:


  5. Mohammad MK Krishan says:


  6. createthenet says:

    If the code is the same you should not have this problem. You may need to check the code word by word.

  7. Chris Odlum says:

    Thank you so much for these videos I am learning a lot. I am stuck on this video at the point where you set up the social media icons. My code looks exactly the same as yours but the icons have huge spaces about a screen with apart right down to the footer of the screen, any help would be much appreciated

  8. omar samir says:

    thank you a lot 

  9. Samgieee says:

    Any videos to show how to write the codes for our own framework?

    Thanks for useful videos but I dont want to make websites from templates. I want to make my own design. I was really excited to learn this from your videos but after 8th video I realized I wont be able to.

    Any suggestions?

  10. createthenet says:

    Type the code yourself.

  11. iCanHazTwentyLetters says:

    In the files window, press the tiny little arrow near “local files”.

  12. Jade Parkin says:

    How will this work if i have none of the frame work from the template?

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