After Effects Tutorial – Episode 3: Basic Animation | by Techrodd

After Effects Tutorial - Episode 3: Basic Animation | by Techrodd

This tutorial is about a basic animation in After Effects. These tutorials are for beginners who’d like to start editing with After Effects. —————-…

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24 responses to “After Effects Tutorial – Episode 3: Basic Animation | by Techrodd”

  1. Techrodd says:

    Yes, I’m sorry :/ If you can’t see, be sure to turn the quality to 720P HD, and make fullscreen it for a minute. I’m trying to make my videos full HD, but due to the long render time (and I don’t have much to wait for the rendering) I can’t really make it full hd. But try the method and see if it works.

  2. TheGeordieBounty says:

    My problem is the video isn’t very good quality so I can’t read what you’re clicking on 🙁

  3. Techrodd says:

    By pressing “Delete” key on your keyboard. (it’s located above your arrow keys)
    And I’m not Russian, I’m Dutch XD

  4. trizord2 says:

    how do you delete a layer?

  5. Josh A Bear says:

    you have to change the anchor point using the anchor tool I believe. Great videos Techrodd!

  6. tooleman says:

    click my fly, see vid

  7. tooleman says:

    On the top left so should see a group of tools, it’s the sixth tool from the left
    called the pan behind anchor point tool just right of the icon that looks like a camera, click it then move your arrow to the anchor point of the the object you are trying to change and drag the objects anchor point to the spot you want then release

  8. kdb178 says:

    thank you so much for this 😀

  9. FAARNSWORTH says:

    I think I figured it out, but maybe not the proper way. I had to select the layer, go to the transforms and move the anchor point to where I wanted it. Then I had to position it again. Thanks you for the speedy reply! These tuts are awesome, keep it up! 🙂

  10. Techrodd says:

    Hmm; I’m not sure how to do that. My guess is using the Pan Behind tool. It looks kind of like this:
    or, keyboard shortcut = Y

  11. FAARNSWORTH says:

    How do I change the point where things pivot, scale, rotate, etc.? Right now it’s at the bottom left of my text and I’d like it to be at the center bottom, but not sure how to move it. Hope I explained it okay. Thanks SOOOO much for these tutorials, I’m just starting and I really appreciate your thorough step by step explanations!

  12. Techrodd says:

    haha, thanks I guess :3
    The bg music is from the artist: MitiS
    I’m not sure which is which because they all sound the same :p

  13. TheGigiStudio says:

    nice voice.. you should sound erotic movies :3
    what the soundtrack?

  14. TheRealTeleostorc says:

    song names please! 🙂
    Great tutorial. Can’t wait for Season 2 😛

  15. Hugo Rodrigues says:

    Thank you for the tutorials, 😉

  16. Carl D'Heer says:

    Goeie tutorial man! Heeft me echt geholpen! Ik herkende het Belgische accent al van het begin 😉

  17. julian bonouvrie says:


  18. Techrodd says:

    Yes! Definitely! In season 2 I’ll giving tutorials about advanced stuff 🙂

  19. Lyn Lin says:

    Great work! Really appreciated! Hope there is Season 2!

  20. Techrodd says:

    Thanks! 🙂
    Ah yes, the overlay, you can find it in my editing pack. You can find it on my channel

  21. Xyzified2 says:

    Hey, I just got After Effects and I’m watching your tutorial to get started and it really helps, so thank you! I just wonder, where can I get that “Overlay” video?

  22. Tsewang Dorjee says:

    Great Tutorials……love your tutorials…..Thank you

  23. Detroit X-PO says:

    great work every episode has been enlightening 

  24. 2ne1keylla says:

    thank you! I learned a lot from your tutorials…hope to see the next episode..

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