After Effects Tutorial – Episode 7: Your First Intro | by Techrodd

After Effects Tutorial - Episode 7: Your First Intro | by Techrodd

This tutorial is about creating your very own intro in After Effects. These tutorials are for beginners who’d like to start editing with After Effects. —–…
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8 responses to “After Effects Tutorial – Episode 7: Your First Intro | by Techrodd”

  1. Techrodd says:

    Ram preview it, you can do that by pressing 0 on your numpad.
    press . (dot) on your numpad to only hear the audio

  2. Nasrul Hadi Menan says:

    why my mp3 could not played?

  3. Techrodd says:

    You’ve probably closed the window. Just reset the workspace and you’ll be fine.
    Check out AE tut episode 6, around 2:17 for more information

  4. AsTohn4 says:

    I lost my renderque dock thing, and I lost my effects and presets. Dufuq it goo?

  5. Lyn Lin says:

    You rock! Thank you!

  6. Techrodd says:

    Sure 😉 Next tutorial is about masking, so I’ll try something with photos

  7. Lyn Lin says:

    Very helpful, can you teach some tricks on handling a lot of photos? Something like family yearly videos. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t work with your schedule.

  8. Psych9Tic says:

    Amazing tutorial ..worth watching every bit of it..thanks a million my friend ..

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