Illustrator CS6: Using the Pattern Options tool | tutorial

Illustrator CS6: Using the Pattern Options tool | tutorial

This Illustrator CS6 tutorial discusses how to create repeatable patterns in different styles and configurations using the new Pattern Options tool. Watch mo…
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5 responses to “Illustrator CS6: Using the Pattern Options tool | tutorial”

  1. Harry Ronchetti says:

    really helpful, thanks!

  2. Giovanni Piunno says:


  3. GDeliuta says:

    They make a circle then took the direct select tool, selected the top and bottom anchor points and deleted them. Then took rotation took clicked on bottom on petal, held down option while clicking and holding on top of petal to move it 90degrees. Then command + d to multiply that twice.

  4. Berds Eye says:

    Great video! Check out my channel for more tutorials.

  5. rayray2419 says:

    how did you make the flower

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