Minecraft Tutorial – How to make Fireworks? (HD)

Minecraft Tutorial - How to make Fireworks? (HD)

Minecraft Tutorial – How to make Fireworks? (HD) Watch in HD! Enjoy! Please Rate, Comment, Subscribe! This Tutorial demonstrates, how to make a Firework Mach…
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21 responses to “Minecraft Tutorial – How to make Fireworks? (HD)”

  1. lisaduran34 says:

    Its so cool

  2. 101DudeMario says:

    Damn you screwed me up

  3. Nooria Siddiqui says:

    That’s cool

  4. Nooria Siddiqui says:

    Great job

  5. Clifford Debrosse says:

    You can even wrte a sentence good.

  6. WeGotBoredRecords says:

    A lot of you children have horrid spelling. Your grammar is also terrible.

  7. HelloKitty5584697 says:

    Thanks!!! I Did It For Help Becuse I Was In Truble 🙂

  8. Yousif adsa says:

    Omg its work i like and sucribe

  9. Hailey morton says:

    but i like it

  10. Hailey morton says:

    p.s.wheres the color?

  11. Hailey morton says:

    wow lol i will do that soooooooooooooon!

  12. Braeden Smith says:

    thx man thts awesome!

  13. OAKLEY GREEN says:

    Finally I was able to make a firework machine that works!!!

  14. an re says:

    I am using my sister’s profile, but does this work on the xbox360? because I use it also if you want to know my gamertag for xbox 360, it is awesome4567

  15. Chhann Chan Sopong says:


  16. mattday14 says:

    So kool it worked when I built it

  17. Jayden Ford says:

    I know how to build
    lots of

  18. Jayden Ford says:

    Not a waste of time ppl act so mean have noting good to say
    then shut

  19. florencelynn says:

    Wast of time

  20. Shelby Aumiller says:

    that did not help

  21. Nicolas Rubino says:

    Wow that was cool maby I mite do dat

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