OpenCV tutorial 5: Emgu CV with C#

OpenCV tutorial 5: Emgu CV with C#

OpenCV tutorial 5: Emgu CV with C#.

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22 responses to “OpenCV tutorial 5: Emgu CV with C#”

  1. nicky411 says:

    You. Are. Awesome. Thanks!

  2. John Ktejik says:

    This is really nice! You don’t make the mistake most do by rambling on. I appreiate your work!

  3. MrKitt89 says:

    Great Tutorial… Thanks a lot……

  4. SrPlattano says:

    I love you:3  giggles*

  5. dodothree123 says:

    nice. Perfect for me to learn image procesing

  6. Yassine Saif says:

    thanks for the great work 😀
    can i have the code source please,it will help me very much
    ThankYou ^_^

  7. pachekoston says:

    hi, good job! could you send me the source code??

  8. zehrilleBoyz says:

    the toolsare not in general tab in mine how to add them

  9. zehrilleBoyz says:

    please upload video for morphology image processing in C# ………i would be thankful to u …please i want to learn them for my project

  10. BILAL AHMAD says:

    You really have a very good hand on c#.

  11. Nicolas Wang says:

    Thank you for your tutorial. That’s what I’m looking for.

  12. ShivGovind Patel says:

    Exception: The type initializer for ‘Emgu.CV.CvInvoke’ threw an exception 

    please help me I got above exception I am running it in x64 plateform ……….. Please help

  13. Patch Lacno says:

    Hi there!

    Thank you for this tutorial. I am wondering if the resolution of the Image Box is always 640×480? Can it be 1024×768? I tried creating an Image Box with 1024×768 but it doesn’t seem to occupy the whole 1024×768 it just occupied 640×480.
    Thanks again.

  14. Ben Harel says:

    Thank you very much for the great tutorial!
    I have a problem – I wrote everything excactly as you show, but it does not work. All I see is the original image,with no drawing of the circles on it(even thought in the original image it show circles – like coins,cd’s).The left image box is all black.What can be the problem? A lot of other source codes don’t work for me either.

  15. markoni985 says:

    Hi, i like your tutorial and i did everything as you showed and everything worked as it should on my 32 bit (windows 7 32bit) desktop pc, but when I tried to do the same on my 64bit laptop (windows 7 is 64 bit too) I got this error message “A first chance exception of type ‘System.TypeInitializationException’ occurred in Emgu.CV.dll” in this row “imgOriginal = capwebcam.QueryFrame(); “

  16. Suresh Sampathkumar says:

    awesome tutorial.. really helps..

  17. Daiwd Dawid says:

    I have an error “initializer threw an exception types for type ‘Emgu.CV.CvInvoke.'”.
    What can I do?

  18. linson zhao says:

    Very Good tutorial.

  19. Ole Henrik Skogstrøm says:

    Thank you so much for these tutrourials. Perfectly instructed! I have about 10 hours of c++/c# experience and i have managed to follow your tutourials all the way here. 🙂

    Keep up the good work! I’m really interested in face recognition and at a later point, emotion recognition (might be hard to accomplish though).

  20. MrOnsightfree says:

    Very nice tutorial, can’t wait for more to come !
    Thanks a lot, you saved me a lot of time

  21. Paolo Fi says:

    Many thanks for this tutorial, really useful for beginners like me.
    A question, where I need to work to recognize side lenght of squared shape?

  22. uday kumar says:

    Thanks a lot for all your tutorials on Open CV. I really appreciate the way you fact it was because of these videos which turned my interest away from hardware to CV coding.Would you please post new videos related to open CV based on face recognition and interfacing openCV output to hardware.Thanks a lot again.

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