Photoshop Tutorial: High Fashion Photo Effect

Photoshop Tutorial: High Fashion Photo Effect

In this photoshop cs5 tutorial, learn how to create a high fashion photo effect with a few simple steps.
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24 responses to “Photoshop Tutorial: High Fashion Photo Effect”

  1. verdantblues says:

    Thank you so much!!! <3 Subscribed!

  2. Tanvi Sharma says:

    Thank you soooo much fr ths tutorial i ws looking for it fr a very long time your tutorials are fab thanks again <3

  3. mAya Yo says:


  4. mAya Yo says:

    thnxxxxxxx alot u r amaaaaaazing really :))

  5. ngbrian1111 says:

    love the recipe

  6. Sri Hariyanti says:

    Thanks. It’s very easy and simple to follow, but still beautifull 🙂

  7. profly98 says:

    Thanks Bro,very nice video…..

  8. dolphi dolphi says:


  9. Sofiya727 says:

    Thanks for pithiness and nice tutorial!

  10. XDeh3Bunn3zX says:

    You have wonderful tutorials! Thank you so much!!! :P

  11. rahul das says:

    ozOme brOO

  12. exxxcaliburs says:

    Simply beautiful. Thanks: )

  13. Tray Fitzpatrick says:

    great vid dude!

  14. De Lorean says:


  15. DIRT1602 says:

    VERY NICE i subed

  16. Arko Day says:

    Hello there, are you familiar with “photo SFX art” (just google it)? There you will find a smart free video showing how to shoot brilliant photographs. This made it easier for Joe to create photographs that leave you with a wow-effect when you take a look at them. It might help you out too…

  17. SenorCajones says:

    Are all the commenters’ checks being sent by courier, or what?

  18. Kiran Ashok says:

    Thanks bro! it did help me a lot . had been looking for something like this for a long time! It would be good if you could upload more videos on it!

  19. Spencer Clough says:

    ty again

  20. 55milimetros says:

    amazing! Thanks!

  21. Marcela O. says:

    love it! Ive just made the nashville effect.and it was awesome! I am photographer and your tutorials are very helpfull! I am from argentina 🙂

  22. Rafael Cedeño says:

    i like it ! but please can you upload a tutorial teaching how to get the color for fashion shot like the great looking of the photos of kenneth cole? i will aprecciate a lot if you can get that color! i have been looking and looking how to get that colorization, please answer me. Thanks and greetings from ecuador

  23. CoozLIVE says:

    hey 😀 you should try to create a awesome facebook cover! 😀

  24. guy1451 says:

    Thanks for your lessons

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