Tutorial: Easy CSS Animations with Animate.css

Tutorial: Easy CSS Animations with Animate.css

A quick video tutorial on the basics of using Animate.css as well as a few tips on how you can use a little bit of jQuery to really expand it’s functionality…
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6 responses to “Tutorial: Easy CSS Animations with Animate.css”

  1. Jose Browne says:


  2. longerdonkedzior says:

    Watching this tutorial is a real pleasure

  3. ScreenPrintR says:

    Jose, I figured it out. I simply took off the location., and used if left parenthese, href equals etc.

    Since I’m working on my PC and not on the host to practice I used href Equals double quote E:directoryindex.html can’t use the Or bar symbol but we can when we move it online. Thx for your tutorial.

  4. ScreenPrintR says:

    Jose, I can do this manually, but not via jQuery. I’m not using Chrome. How would we create the if statement to include the id. I made my in the with in a page. My logo is inside that page in the index DOT html.

  5. ScreenPrintR says:

    The is Awesome Jose. Will you run for President?

  6. browner grevus says:

    Nice. G

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