3ds max couch tutorial

Creating a simple couch in 3ds max using edit poly , Ring loop, Connect, Mesh smooth, and ffd.
Video Tutorial Rating: 4 / 5
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Video tutorial posted 26/06/13
Category: 3DS Max Tutorials

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Super.. Thanks 😀
Hey I wanted know if this was the student version of 3dsmax and would this tutorial work with the 2010 version before I download it.
My ears, goddamit!
Just type in an apostrophe and it converts it to inches. For instance, 1’0 is equal to 12.
How do you change your settings so that when you type in your Length/Width/Height that it’s in feet and inches?
i hate to say this but i wouldnt call this simple im new to 3d max (about 4 months into learning for my degree) ive been told i have to create a world which i can import into unity to make a walk around enviroment the only problem is the polygons as i need to keep them low 🙁 but i do love the vid no question there
I’m just beginning with max and found this video real good. Good Job!
I’m just beginning with max and found this video real good. Good Job!
Your very welcome
Your welcome, thanks for watching
thanks, this is helping me switch to 3d max from maya. I still love maya more but max is great 🙂
Thanks a lot man !
connect doesn’t work for some reason. Any idea?
cool tutorial but the noces ya making is annoying lol dont know what your doing tho slapping ya lips together when you take a breath lol
bood cool tutoral thanx
Awesome tutorial, just what I needed!
Great tutorial mate… only problem was it was a bit hard to see the connection lines (red ones) but apart from that i would give it 5*. But i cant cause of shitty youtube 😛
praise the lord for every one god bless you all of you