Advanced iMovie Tips

Advanced iMovie Tips

Here are some of my tips for getting more out of iMovie, including: 1080 Export with iMove, color grading, kenburns, and text effects Music royalty free from…
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19 responses to “Advanced iMovie Tips”

  1. Shinypenny20 says:

    i used it, it was great!

  2. Luis Cosme says:

    wow, you are the only dude online that appears to know what he’s doing. It’s like a blessing from the skies. After watching millions of idiots,
    this video is like a weekend of massages at the beach! lol…
    How do you edit a music video in iMovie 11?

  3. Andrew James says:



  4. Andrew James says:

    I use the green screen effect a lot in my videos. And I’ve gotten pretty good at getting them without too much of that line in the middle where the two clips merge.

  5. ThePineappleBros123 says:

    no maybe I don’t want to

  6. BufferingFilms says:

    I used a tip from one of your other tutorials. See if you can figure it out for yourself! 🙂

  7. Jamieson Lawrence says:


  8. sunthumble says:

    Thank you 🙂 it this video is going to help me out alot 

  9. ThePineappleBros123 says:

    Thanks a lot! Check out my channel GeorgeDaulman

  10. ThePardopardo says:

    Thank you!!! Very Helpful

  11. Music1stChannel says:

    trying to use it for music! but nothing uploaded yet.

  12. SamuelFrancisHayes says:

    Hi, the Gradient transparency/color changing was new, but it’d be great if you could make a continuation of this video to really take a look into the really advanced features. I’m just sort of starting out on this channel though I have been on YouTube for about 3 years. I am planning on making iMovie and other tech tutorials soon. Thanks! ~ Sam

  13. JunandMichelle Chea says:

    Thanks mate!

  14. Kyle Swicegood says:

    Text effects…gradient text effects….where do I find the crayons page to change background?

  15. Fadilla Abd says:

    Hi, may i know what type of techonology did you use to make awesome videos? 🙂

  16. SnoodleAnThePuffs says:


  17. Mike Mose says:

    I like the video but I was looking for even more advanced special effects for this music video I filmed. Do you know how to make the screen flicker?

  18. BioStudent2012 says:

    Thanks for all the tips! I really want to try out the Ken Burns effect on a stationary shot now. Check out my channel for biology/ science stuff.

  19. Th3AngryPooch says:

    I doubt you would care for my gaming channel (Th3AngryPooch) but I made another for movies and stuff like that called Th3DirectorPooch where I use iMovie for all of it and this stuff will really make a difference thanks a lot

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