Excel 2007 Tutorial 10: Intro to templates

Excel 2007 Tutorial 10: Introduction to templates. Using existing templates, modifying templates, working with templates, saving template as XLStart template.
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Video tutorial posted 19/06/13
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Thank you!!! very useful.
Thanks for help!!
its a very clear version….
wonderful! So helpful
I Got the Best Ready-to-use Excel Spreadsheet Templates on the – CFOTemplates Com
Excelent and Thank you..
First i want to thank you for all your tutorials,specially the excel ones,they have been very helpful to me.Now i have a favor:COULD YOU PLEASE DO A TUTORIAL ON ACCESS 2007.That would be highly appreciated.
Thank You.
what is macro?
Thank you very useful one more thing i like to know just for practice Excel 2007 Tutorial 10: Intro to templates how to get loan summery i entered loan amount and all other values but no result please more info Thanks
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
thanks for the tutorials…!!! really useful info
good tutorials! thank you!
I can see myself going through all of the work at making a worksheet from scratch… only to discover that I could have saved myself the work & time via these handy little templates. THANK YOU for your tutorials and sharing these useful hints & tips for us! Thank you again! 🙂
This one was a little tricky/frustrating until I found out that some things you cannot do unless you are logged in as the administrator. I’m glad it wasn’t me.
You’re a genius! Thank you!