Fireworks CS3 Tutorial: Animating 101!

Fireworks CS3 Tutorial: Animating 101!

Check this video out at Hi-Res here: In this video we will cover just about every little…
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25 responses to “Fireworks CS3 Tutorial: Animating 101!”

  1. wwwaimiecapricecom says:

    I had no idea, Fireworks could do all of this. Fireworks is like Photoshop but better. The animation here is just so much easier to deal with than in Photoshop. Of course I sill use Photoshop for the processing of my JPGs, but I am definitely going to be using more of FW to do animations. Thanks for the video. I will be using the things I learned on my website. I have already started to incorporated some.

  2. RoxaSora2810 says:

    Me too! i also cnt find it xD

  3. Danielle Richardson says:

    I most likely sound stupid , but I can’t find the frames panel under ‘window’.. there is one called states, where your frames is but i dont see it

  4. mrslink2 says:

    video won’t play past 7:10…

  5. sunsetbubble says:

    D: I haz CS4 e_o

  6. SilverStateMan says:

    This guy sounds like Dib. >.>

  7. bagga121212 says:

    hey anyone no how i can remove a “hand tool”. i was doing something and some how end up with this “” hand tool”” , i cant select any other tool. i cant do any thing. this the smiler tool you see on tool box left side at very bottom. i be very appreciate if any one can tell what to do. thx

  8. Johannady says:

    oh wait~ nevermind~ i already figured it out..
    my format was on GIF and not animated GIF ^^;

  9. Johannady says:

    why doesn’t the play in my preview imaged don’t work?
    and when i save it as GIF it doesn’t move..

  10. jacentyuki says:


  11. ZaeTV says:

    Very helpful! Thanks!!! :)

  12. FaithFullMemory says:

    there was weird bomb explosion sounds in the background Like Wtf But anyways Nice tut man =)

  13. charles persaud says:

    This was very interesting and informative. I’m 52 years old and trying to get acquainted with the tech of flash and this is very helpful. Thanks!

  14. Maxtastic92 says:

    Can you please help me haha I want to make a lot of jpegs I have into a GIF how do I do this,,,??? (so I can have it as my myspace display picture) haha please send me a msg or tell me something haha

  15. franksy08 says:


  16. okreneok says:


  17. rewim1 says:

    what is the diference between flash and this fireworks and what is fireworks for? and this is a really large video, really big

  18. danny3man says:

    you need to go to Export if you want it to be a gif. I think if you chose the Save option it will save it as an fireworks documnet:) ( sorry for my bad english )

  19. PoppyLouH says:

    your video tutorials are really great, im learning how to do animations at the moment, i just have one problem… saving the files. when it comes up with the options .GIF isn’t there :S. How else can i save them?

    🙂 X

  20. XxgodismyrockxX says:

    not even close my friend

  21. Danny Luksa says:


  22. guitarpoison says:

    Photoshop > fireworks

  23. burgandyblood says:

    It won’t let me save it as .gif! Im confused =[

  24. 1howiedfan says:

    Thanks you SO MUCH for taking the time to do this. I am in school learning web design. i am a visual learner. This is exactly what I needed. This was perfect help for my assignment. Keep up the freat work.

    Thanks again.

  25. bruin03 says:

    use javascript for that part. Check out dhtml goodies for scrollers and tickers.

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