Ink Lineart by Converting Strokes Into Fills. (Adobe Illustrator Tutorial)

Ink Lineart by Converting Strokes Into Fills. (Adobe Illustrator Tutorial)

Here is a method of inking your art/cartoons inside of Adobe Illustrator by using Strokes instead of point to point fill with the pentool. Wish to ink your A…
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8 responses to “Ink Lineart by Converting Strokes Into Fills. (Adobe Illustrator Tutorial)”

  1. IMVUlovekenneth says:

    In 4:49
    I see you’re explaining how to make that thinner line.
    But I listen it over and over again, but I don’t know how to do :x. Could you please tell me :c? I need it to finish my line art.

    But I love your tutz

  2. DavinDaGeek says:

    Because this guy from Hell Benders look exactly like me in real life, like no joke lol.

  3. shroombotUK says:

    your a good drawer so why is your profile picture off hell benders?

  4. DavinDaGeek says:


  5. DJB1izzard says:

    *pauses video at 0:48 and messages someone*
    *plays the video*
    my milk went everywhere as i laughed. xD

  6. shovalzohar says:

    fun tutorial, thanks for sharing

  7. EnigmaPhi23 says:

    Its amazing the number of informative tutorials available on YouTube, and this video is one of those informative lessons. Excellent work. Many thanks for sharing.

  8. QC1cold1canadien1kid says:

    Hey DavinDaGeek what does your profil picture come from?

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