Patch tool, Stamp tool, basic Photoshop face retouching tutorial HD

Patch tool, Stamp tool, basic Photoshop face retouching tutorial HD

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16 responses to “Patch tool, Stamp tool, basic Photoshop face retouching tutorial HD”

  1. ThisIsYC says:

    I feel like someone cuts off part of their skin and past it onto their marks

  2. Freebeer773 says:

    Good work, no messing around. Some tutorials turn into a saga however yours are straight to the point and full of good tips

  3. Mo' Millis says:

    Very informative. I’ll use this method a LOT… Great job at giving a lesson man!!.It’s you’re demeanor; you explain the tools used and how you were using them, you speak at a good pace, and repeating yourself through the steps was really a helper. Only had to watch it once and took it all in… Now I’m gonna check out your other tutorials. Thanks for the info. 🙂

  4. adamjxxc says:

    very good! thank you very much, Sir!

  5. bozobennett says:

    Nice, concise tutorial. Very good job…I’ll be watching for more of your excellent videos…goodness knows I need them!!! Thanks again.

  6. rockysikander says:

    keep it up sir !
    it was very informational
    thanks for helping us

  7. Wizard591 says:

    When you use patch tool you have to select damaged skin and then drag it to normal skin texture and it will heal automaticaly… When you use STAMP tool you have to press ALT to select undamaged skin, then click on damaged skin to heal it… I hope I helped you with this tip…

  8. Princezz Anjeliq says:

    Great! but you did not explain how to use it. your just clicking. Can you please explain what your pushing and how it is being done

  9. jamin pirnia says:


  10. Wizard591 says:


  11. Tudy Daniel says:

    love your vids….Can you check out some of my retouches…

  12. thelegendofmari says:

    Da-OOOOODa…This Video is awesome bro!!! Really well done, love it!!! Thanks alot

  13. UniversalPartyvideos says:

    Great Video 🙂

  14. Antonin Saslawski says:

    Awesome tutorial ! it helped me a lot ! :)

  15. jeffhardycod says:

    Thansk Man!

  16. Eleanore1967 says:

    (o.O) great!)))))

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