WordPress Yoast SEO Tutorial

WordPress Yoast SEO Tutorial

This is an old video made for a client, I’m currently in the process of making a new one (along with a number of others) which are both higher quality and pr…

Don’t forget to check out our other video tutorials or share this video with a friend.

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10 responses to “WordPress Yoast SEO Tutorial”

  1. Bart Timberlake says:

    I am a wordpress expert and I made some video tutorials for wordpress users. It definitely is the most comprehensive wordpress video series of 2013. Period. You can find a link to this training course on my channel. check it out.

  2. Peruvian Delight says:

    i can use the same meta description for post and pages?

  3. Emerson Jane Browne says:

    Ditto Leslie’s comment! This is an excellent tutorial. You laid out the SEO information so clearly!  And also explain the Yoast WordPress Plugin very well.

    Have you made your updated video? I do not see it on your channel. And I know somethings have changed now how Google ranks pages and sites now.

  4. Igor IGOSTA says:

    what a voici you have dude 🙁

  5. Jon Doll says:

    There is a new WordPress training course that will enable you to transform WP into a high quality marketing platform. It is really incredible and must-have training for any marketer in any niche, It is very easy to follow. please go to my channel and watch the video I posted. just check it out: –> /watch?v=VDkJBK0DvZc <=== or go to my channel to watch it

  6. Enialla Seyer says:

    I’ve heard Keyword Scout is good,

    has anyone tried it?

  7. Brian Swisher says:


  8. Leslie Miller says:

    This is outstanding! Taught me more about SEO in 15 minutes than a year of researching!

  9. Samer Sultan says:

    Great tutorial, if you have time please make one about configuring the plugin its self.

  10. papuuWANZ says:

    hi. can you help me how to install or activate wordpress seo yoast?

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