3. Fireworks CS5 Christmas 3D Vector Scene Tutorial Graphic Design Workflow

3. Fireworks CS5 Christmas 3D Vector Scene Tutorial Graphic Design Workflow

In this 3 part video tutorial series you can learn to create an awesome 3D vector Christmas holiday scene using Fireworks CS5. DevelopPHP.com is coming down …
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13 responses to “3. Fireworks CS5 Christmas 3D Vector Scene Tutorial Graphic Design Workflow”

  1. Charlie Ekman says:

    Great job! Nice with to music in the background.

  2. Shamira Green says:

    i freaking love your accent >.< and you work ..obviously

  3. LTDanno360 says:

    soo kool

  4. sspimpc says:

    You presented this in such a great way. Thank you

  5. cuasatar says:

    Thank you Adam for all your video tutorials. The last holidays I created postcards based in your last videos. The video response is a way of telling you that your work is appreciated

  6. Benton Elliott says:

    It takes a lot more than knowledge to teach the way you do Adam. You truly have a gift. You have it all knowledge, Patience, The voice, and the persona. Men like you where the richest of men in the olden day. Not from currency but, rich from the fact that you help millions of people. Some day I hope things return to the days where educators where the richest. We

  7. John Halsey says:

    It wont me play past 1:20 on this final video? Just freezes at that point.

  8. think2go says:

    hey Adam What mic do you use to record these tuts? tnx

  9. jmidesigns says:

    Thank you for all your help, support, and tutorials it’s truly the gift that keeps on giving.

  10. h4nZm3isTer says:

    Done this myself now i have a christmas desktop 😉

  11. Jeremiah Kellick says:

    Your website develop php is soo helpful.
    I was looking for free web training a long time, then I stumbled across your website, and I learned soo much. Thank You!

  12. Pawan Mall says:

    Nice work Adam .. Have a great Christmas ..

  13. Davidscoope says:

    Great video once again pal.

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