7 – Introduction to Dreamweaver Tutorial (CS5)

7 - Introduction to Dreamweaver Tutorial (CS5)

In this Dreamweaver tutorial video you will see a brief overview of CSS, how to create stylesheets and attach them to HTML pages and how to create simple sty…
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12 responses to “7 – Introduction to Dreamweaver Tutorial (CS5)”

  1. Luis Quinones says:

    Indeed!!! Your wrk id great!!! Thk u!!!!

  2. andreisabe says:

    You are a pretty good teacher.

  3. TheArmoryVlog says:

    These videos are so helpful and you you explain it so well… Thank you so much!

  4. Timothy Kywn says:

    Just follow the steps on video carefully, you will be ok.

  5. cfcues says:

    derp. Just saw this post, he should have mentioned that in the tut as it seems to happen a lot.

  6. cfcues says:

    I’m getting the same thing.

  7. Safa Ahmed says:


  8. David Sheets says:

    Just wanted to comment that in algebra the curly bracket is actually the 3rd bracket size. ([{

  9. SheriBerri O says:

    Amazing. You are God sent.

  10. reborika says:

    okie…. im an idot…. figured it out…didnt realize you had to be off of the actual css file

  11. reborika says:

    if anyone can help I would appreciate it….the error I am getting when trying to attach style sheet is A recursive style import was found while trying to add styles.css. Please resove this erro by editing the file in an external text editor and try again.
    It also will not let me click on Link….its stuck on import
    any help would be appreciated!!!

  12. reborika says:

    These tutorials are awesome thank you so much for sharing.
    I am having an issue with the css file. I am following the tutorial with no issues but I am gettng an error when creating css styles….is there somewhere that we have a forum for questions and answers?

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