Adobe After Effects – Lens Flare Intro Tutorial

Adobe After Effects - Lens Flare Intro Tutorial

A helpful tutorial on how I made this intro here
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8 responses to “Adobe After Effects – Lens Flare Intro Tutorial”

  1. SP1KEYH0DGE says:


  2. Sietse62 says:

    Add to favourites… *Ca-lick*

  3. SP1KEYH0DGE says:

    Glad it helped you! :D

  4. 343griffin says:

    Whew thanks for the tutorial! XD this really saved me alot of stress

  5. TheSupermotoGuy says:

    its okay now i rendered it back through sony vegas its all cool now its on my channel 🙂 check it out! thanks!

  6. SP1KEYH0DGE says:

    Yeah, that’s because it’s probably rendered in .avi which is very high quality but the file isn’t compressed. I usually render in H.264 with a bit rate of 5MBps.

  7. TheSupermotoGuy says:

    :O how big should the file be mine is 1.7gb its only 9 seconds long! 🙂

  8. TheSupermotoGuy says:

    that happens to me it like fades the brightness in getting brighter towards the centre

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