Adobe Illustrator Blend Tool

Layers magazine instructor Dave Cross shares a tutorial about using the blend tool in Adobe Illustrator.
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Video tutorial posted 27/07/13
Category: Illustrator Tutorials
Tags: Adobe, Blend, Illustrator, Tool

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Awesome guide, thank you 🙂
thx so much !
I think it’s annoying blend tool illustrator corel draw is super easy to work with interactive blend tool. just my point of view.
During the second when he said ‘try it for yourself’ he transformed into Neil Buchanan hosting art attack
Fantastic…Easy way !!
Hi its me Again, your tut is helpfull but not what I’m looking for.
I’m using the Pen tool to sketch in AI my outsole side view, and its has some regulary placed cut outs on top part (1 path) and some on bottom path (like joginig shoes rubber outsole). BUt afetr using your methot the path disipears and I cant mouve the Symboles (for cuting out).
If possible pls help me out.
BY the way sorry for my bad grama and wrinting.
Hi Master, what If I would like to place the objects on specific line/ curve and only from point 2 to 6 (instead of all over the path) and pls also note that my 1st and last symbol are in different shapes and size. pls help me out with this, couse in CDR its quite easy but here I can’t find the way. Thx in advance
“So eventually I will remove that..”
atai ka!!!!
Thank you sooooooo much great video.
soooo bloody good!!! Thank u so much 🙂
Thanks a lot…