After Effects Tutorial: Futuristic 3D Text with Trapcode Form

After Effects Tutorial: Futuristic 3D Text with Trapcode Form

Wassup guys! Ive been sick lately and I recorded this in my car in between classes so I hope you guys can appreciate it. Came up with this method on my own I…
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25 responses to “After Effects Tutorial: Futuristic 3D Text with Trapcode Form”

  1. OfficialSewot says:

    lol when i turn the depht of field on, nothing happens… <,<

  2. Diegovdx11 says:

    I combined this with the Animated arrow and it looks awesome :D

  3. A1exBrightFTW says:

    Very good tutorial subbed

  4. SwarmUnity says:

    Amazing Tutorial, I am just finishing up mine, thanks Baker 😀

  5. 41shafi says:

    Hey,bro nice tutorial.But,the problem is why I don`t get any blur in camera ? As I did everything as same as you did in the tutorial.PLZ HELP !!!

  6. Travis Marcum says:

    Thanks but you should really show the final results within the first 10 seconds of starting the video. I watched and I can’t find where you showed the final render.

  7. Ozzy779pl says:

    What to do if i don’t have a text icon? (01:28)?

  8. ElijahsHistory says:

    How come when I press the depth of field on my camera nothing happens?
    I upgraded to cs6 and still nothing. = /

  9. UhTrickeh says:

    i got all after efffects plugin on my channel. download free

  10. jmq1984 says:

    what version of trapcode form do you need??

  11. GomezManor says:

    Fucking Queer.

  12. Taplerd says:

    Copy and paste layers?

  13. VenomnQ says:

    hey baker, I have been really wanting to make cool custom sounding gun shot effects and I was wondering if u could make a tutorial on it? thanks bro

  14. HvP Edits says:

    So take down him lol /watch?v=ZvtY1-StbE4

  15. iSyedx says:

    Could you please show us the final product at the end of a video? Thanks

  16. Ch0c0l33tHybrid says:

    Baker? could you possibly make me an intro using this effect? im a noob at after effects 🙁

  17. Elamaran NP says:

    really nice one bro…
    my request is to make an intro base on casino…
    for example with poker chips or with playing cards…
    thankiu =D

  18. TehSniperUser says:

    he’s where i get ALL my plugins xD

  19. TheSkatedu31 says:

    That looks so good, tanks :)

  20. Émile Martel says:

    Can you do Plexus tutorials?


  21. Banckify says:

    ok i got it, i just restarted my ae 🙂 THX MAN 😀 REALLY GREAT TUTORIAL 😀

  22. Banckify says:

    i can’t do the freakin reflection -.- why?! if i change the center XY of the form ref there’s just nothing happening

  23. xBlizZ says:

    i did the simple choker and nothing happenend and then when i put the invert on and set it to alpha everything was gone xD

  24. alancapc says:

    couldn’t get the camera options to work properly, any thoughts? Awesome tutorial by the way lad!

  25. FaelBlackout says:

    I could ask this on probably all thr videos on your channel: How the hell you learn this stuff???! youre awesome!

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