JF 3DS Max Tutorial: The Space Scene

space ftw!
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Video tutorial posted 16/07/13
Category: 3DS Max Tutorials

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“An’ then wha’you gonna do”. Awesome.
You are assuming it is turbulence. It could be the engines of the ship the viewer is on.
Render Setup > Common Parameters > Time Output
Change from single to range and select the frames you wish to use.
thanks for tut, i really needed help to get that flare. good video
i found a way… from wich frame to wich the efffect applys… but can you do it any other way?
Awesome, going to post the vid i made with your tutorial, but can take a while^^
my flare wont show on my image?? i did it before now it aint showing
there is a hierarchy between the effects. be sure that the camera und the Lens effects are on the same level of the hierarchy
Very cool tutorial, everithing works perfect
Sweet jesus bro! This is epic!
Hey, i had the same problem with the flare etc not showing up in the render but have figured out why. It doesnt show up if your trying to do a standard render “Shift + Q”, because we set up the lens flare in “Video Post…”. So in order to get an image/render out with the lens flare you have to use the “Execute Menu” within the “Video Post” menu (i.e. the icon is of a man running or something very similar). Hope this helps, also thumbs up this comment so others can see. Nick
Great tutorial man, thanks a million.
I tried moving some of the sliders in the menu and then it began to appear. hope this helps
when i try to render a video, it only renders one picture
I’m having the same problem, i’m using the 2012 version.
my flare effect was bad, low quality, with a solid color with no blur.
I use 3ds max 2012 .. and only post the video it does not work right.
any tips?
Brilliant tutorial!!! I learned so much from this, I love the shake movement on the camera. Fantastic thank you!
That helped me a lot. Thank you! But I think the real problem is finding sounds for making animation…
how the heck i upload this animation to youtube when im done??
Wow thank you so much man. Hope you have others like it!
camera shortcut ctrl-C
thanx alot man , that was awesome !