JF 3DS Max Tutorial: The Space Scene

JF 3DS Max Tutorial: The Space Scene

space ftw!

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22 responses to “JF 3DS Max Tutorial: The Space Scene”

  1. MrDystopial says:

    “An’ then wha’you gonna do”. Awesome.

  2. Britannain says:

    You are assuming it is turbulence. It could be the engines of the ship the viewer is on.

  3. Britannain says:

    Render Setup > Common Parameters > Time Output

    Change from single to range and select the frames you wish to use.

  4. Tomxize says:

    thanks for tut, i really needed help to get that flare. good video

  5. Marko štrukelj says:

    i found a way… from wich frame to wich the efffect applys… but can you do it any other way?

  6. paranidherc says:

    Awesome, going to post the vid i made with your tutorial, but can take a while^^

  7. Young Zealous says:

    my flare wont show on my image?? i did it before now it aint showing

  8. Arch Angel says:

    there is a hierarchy between the effects. be sure that the camera und the Lens effects are on the same level of the hierarchy

  9. CaptainChaotika says:

    Very cool tutorial, everithing works perfect

  10. TabbyRogersRayner says:

    Sweet jesus bro! This is epic!

  11. Nick Crowther says:

    Hey, i had the same problem with the flare etc not showing up in the render but have figured out why. It doesnt show up if your trying to do a standard render “Shift + Q”, because we set up the lens flare in “Video Post…”. So in order to get an image/render out with the lens flare you have to use the “Execute Menu” within the “Video Post” menu (i.e. the icon is of a man running or something very similar). Hope this helps, also thumbs up this comment so others can see. Nick

  12. Jon Simpson says:

    Great tutorial man, thanks a million.

  13. panzertank15 says:

    I tried moving some of the sliders in the menu and then it began to appear. hope this helps

  14. gnight51 says:

    when i try to render a video, it only renders one picture

  15. Ian Napish says:

    I’m having the same problem, i’m using the 2012 version.

  16. lithiumdz8 says:

    my flare effect was bad, low quality, with a solid color with no blur.
    I use 3ds max 2012 .. and only post the video it does not work right.

    any tips?

  17. Nick Boylan says:

    Brilliant tutorial!!! I learned so much from this, I love the shake movement on the camera. Fantastic thank you!

  18. PsyCoderCATT says:

    That helped me a lot. Thank you! But I think the real problem is finding sounds for making animation…

  19. Terry Roberson says:

    how the heck i upload this animation to youtube when im done??

  20. Terry Roberson says:

    Wow thank you so much man. Hope you have others like it!

  21. norchaaa says:

    camera shortcut ctrl-C

  22. maherxav says:

    thanx alot man , that was awesome !

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