Lightroom 4 Tutorial: Editing Raw Photos – Portrait Session

Lightroom 4 Tutorial: Editing Raw Photos - Portrait Session

Please go and check out my Facebook photo page and like it 😀 and ill keep these vid and much more coming! In this video i …

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11 responses to “Lightroom 4 Tutorial: Editing Raw Photos – Portrait Session”

  1. Ray Martin Tupas says:

    totally cool…as an aspiring photographer, this was a great tutorial…thank you sir..

  2. paul harmon says:

    this video was alright, its good enough for me. XD

  3. Ethan Sapp says:

    I’m a amateur aspiring photographer, and these tutorials are such a helpful recourse! Thanks and keep em coming!

  4. Tjeerd V says:

    Very nice, thanks for sharing!

  5. Andy Humphrey says:

    My first time using lightroom,great tutorial.i will be looking at more of your stuff.

  6. FukknAliensBro says:

    i see VSCO

  7. Anas AOULAD RAHMOUN says:

    Amazing work with the background!

  8. Tatiana Sakaki says:

    Thanks David, have been learning from you the whole morning, will put in practice now!

  9. David Iliyn says:

    😀 oh some things just slip out of the ole mouth when working on photos, you know 😉

  10. looksharp says:

    “..I don’t know what all that garbage is […] let’s see if we can get rid of this crap.” Haha you totally made my day, thanks a lot for your inspiring videos, I really didn’t know about the capacities Lightroom has! 🙂

  11. David Iliyn says:

    Thanks appreciate it!

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