Part 32 – C# Tutorial – Abstract classes in c#.avi

Part 32 - C# Tutorial - Abstract classes in c#.avi

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9 responses to “Part 32 – C# Tutorial – Abstract classes in c#.avi”

  1. Raghvendra Pratap Singh says:

    thanks a lot…ur videos are really helpful..

  2. qwertyguy76 says:

    Thank you soo much

  3. Satya Budhani says:

    very useful videos. Thank you.

  4. treasure2387 says:

    ChildClass C = new ChildClass()

    or BaseClass B = new ChildClass();

    But this can not be done
    BaseClass B = new BaseClass();

    A sealed member can only be used in the Base class, can not be used in the Derived class.
    So an abstract sealed member is impossible.
    IF a class contains non-abstract variables and functions it can NOT be instantiated, it still has to be inherited by another class(I hate ABSTRACT)

  5. treasure2387 says:

    An abstract function does not have a body
    An abstract class can not be instantiated
    An abstract class can only be used as a Base Class(Inheritance)
    The child class has to provide the implementation for all the abstract members, otherwise you get an error.
    To provide the implementation in the child class you have to use the keyword: !! override !!
    If the child class is also abstract it doesnt have to implement the abstract members of the Base Class.

  6. Yolo Selski says:

    Thank you

  7. SuperMichielv says:

    You can not create an object from an abstract class, but you can you use the static non abstract methods by calling classname.method() because there is implementation if the method itself is not abstract.

  8. baswaa raj says:

    really very nice …

  9. oguzhanozhan says:

    Thank you so much Bro,,You are the best so far…I am praying for you….Thanks…

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