Portrait Retouching: Start to Finish! [Adobe Lightroom 4 + Photoshop CS6]

Portrait Retouching: Start to Finish! [Adobe Lightroom 4 + Photoshop CS6]

Be sure to hit that ‘Like’ button if you enjoyed the video! 🙂 – Full Tutorial for this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VycYmZ3ChQ In this video I st…
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22 responses to “Portrait Retouching: Start to Finish! [Adobe Lightroom 4 + Photoshop CS6]”

  1. VlPmsg says:

    Do you know that JESUS CHRIST can give you everlasting life ? – If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

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  2. eliden says:


  3. photoshoplightroom5s says:

    great retoch, thank yiu

  4. InfuzedMedia says:

    It’s not meant to be a tutorial, it’s just showing the process I take. There’s a link to a full tutorial in the description.

  5. rolltod says:

    You should add a voice over. A montage does not do anything.

  6. InfuzedMedia says:

    Glad it helped.

  7. Rich Marino says:

    Wow! A novice here – your video inspired me. Best tip was the fill in for the hair added balance and corrected for a n oversight.

  8. InfuzedMedia says:

    I wouldn’t really call it all day as it was only 20 minutes, but everyone has their own opinions 🙂

  9. psychokarma says:

    I don’t want to spend one day in front of the pc to do that.. Too much work! Photography should be less fussy and fake.

  10. InfuzedMedia says:

    Thanks a lot 🙂

  11. photospeakz says:

    Great retouch! Keep up the good work!

  12. Josip Å ulj says:


  13. InfuzedMedia says:

    Yeah, if you go back 3 videos I did a video on the preset system I use for Lightroom. There are plenty of free ones as well on DeviantART or if you do a quick Google search 🙂

  14. Nima Tajbakhsh says:

    well let me ask this, are there presets in lightroom?

  15. Lisa Doherty says:

    Not sure, but I think difference may be that in terms of creative options, Photoshop is a lot more varied, while Lightroom is more limited?

  16. InfuzedMedia says:

    I’ll actually be making a video on that in the next few days since it’s a question I get a lot. To sum it up quickly for you though, Photoshop has Camera RAW which has the exact same editing tools as Lightroom. The advantage LR has over PS, and the reason I prefer it, is because it has all of your photos in what’s called catalogues. This means you can have all of your photos organized in LR which can make it much quicker to edit a whole series of photos and swap between them all

  17. Nima Tajbakhsh says:

    this might be a silly question but what’s the difference between photoshop and lightroom?

  18. dollaboi954 says:

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  19. Armanshuva5 says:

    Hey there, have you tried “photo SFX art” (do a Google search for it)? There you can watch a smart free video demonstrating the way to take amazing photographs. It made it easier for Joe to take pictures that have that jaw-dropping-effect whenever you take a look at them. I hope it helps you also.

  20. Armanshuva5 says:

    Hey there, have you tried “photo SFX art” (do a Google search for it)? There you can watch a smart free video demonstrating the way to take amazing photographs. It made it easier for Joe to take pictures that have that jaw-dropping-effect whenever you take a look at them. I hope it helps you also.

  21. TBag ChriszZ says:

    And this is how we make perfection. fof

  22. InfuzedMedia says:

    Haha, glad you think so 🙂

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