Sexy Movie Look | After Effects Tutorial

Sexy Movie Look | After Effects Tutorial

FX FRIDAY!! In this tutorial, Eli shows you how to create a simple yet effective movie look! ****DISCLAIMER*** I know this isn’t the best “Movie Look” out th…
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21 responses to “Sexy Movie Look | After Effects Tutorial”

  1. Mowhawkins says:

    Open your eyes.

  2. kinghailz786 says:


  3. Angel Ripped says:

    i just subscribed and am getting magic bullet so you better not quit making vids or ill kill ya

  4. DemonPhoenixFilms says:

    An escape from reality

  5. mrsushy says:

    hey dude nice tutorial!!! how many weed to do it? ::))

  6. xHDxEDITZx says:

    great video man

  7. Danel Hellat says:

    nice tutorial man. what is the song can you please tell ?

  8. SavvyCortez says:

    A like just cause you want it so much 🙂

  9. MemOna16 says:

    Set yourself free and get Rainmeter dude! Its free!! =)

  10. MemOna16 says:

    No escape from reality.

  11. fingersk84live says:

    to escape from reality

  12. DJRyanBeaver says:

    No escape from reality

  13. Pizzabelly0 says:

    Ever think about using Boris red 5

  14. Gerard Vila says:

    Hey what’s the best compression codec/video file type to import in after effects? I use a gopro camera but can convert the files to anything with mpeg streamclip

  15. TheMineEmpire says:

    no escape from reality

  16. Koro Productions says:

    Open your eyes

  17. Areeb1 says:


  18. ngonga kyala says:

    i love dat

  19. iMakeMuvees says:

    Dafuq you guys trying

  20. LasePlays says:

    No escape from reality.

  21. BurnMillions says:

    lol you got skillz and chatter good stuff man. Im getting my feet wet now and its good to here a human on tuts. thanks

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