XHTML and CSS Tutorial – 18 – font-weight & font-style

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Video tutorial posted 20/07/13
Category: CSS Tutorials
Tags: fontstyle, fontweight, Tutorial, XHTML

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You use classes and IDs, just go on, Bucky will explain them too!
how to find more font-styles??
Tutorial 28 – Span: /watch?v=RRSjALnurmA?t=3m15s
Tutorial 30 – Classes: /watch?v=YLFSWqWxvtU
why is better to use css instead of html? anyone?
To identify different SPECIFIC parts, go on W3Schools (where bucky gets his info) and find “CSS Id and Class” 🙂
In the body
Personally for me it’s easier to add italics or make a text bold it t
2:30 correct Bucky no one says “bolder” because the correct term is “more bold”.
It is if you started 1 at 10 pm.
Lol bold is equal to 900
18 times 4 minutes isn’t long!
Hahaha svuda smo :))))
u koliko nas je Srba 😀
130 likes XD
episode 18… must stay.. awake…
instead of h1 in the style sheet , use #int1 or anyname you want after the #. after that put an id to the header called id=”#int1″
and you are done 🙂
I know this comment is 2 years old but…
You can make a tag up and use that so instead of putting h1 or p in the CSS put a tag called apples for example and then you can use the tag apples and it would have all the properties that you gave it and here’s a picture to show you better: i(dot)imgur(dot)com/7NGMARw.png
its a hyphen
2 y ago comment, but for those reading now, use inline CSS
I believe you just give an id to those two particular li tags such as OPENANGLEBRACKET li id EQUALS “srbija” CLOSEDANGLEBRACKET Srbija list OPENANGLEBRACKET FORWARDSLASH li CLOSEDANGLEBRACKET 😀
and then tyoe in CSS: ul #srbija OPENCURLYBRACKET font-style: italic; CLOSEDCURLYBRACKET
Eto tako nekako zemljache 😀 (morao sam da pisem slovima EQUALS, OPEN ANGLE BRACKET itd…jer yotube ne dozvoljava to u komentarima)
Also you could use a div tag
Can you put the whole code, this doesn’t work for me…