Adobe Illustrator CS6 Basics – Create Cartoon Characters Tutorial Part 2

Adobe Illustrator CS6 Basics - Create Cartoon Characters Tutorial Part 2

Illustrator CS6 Create Cartoon Characters Tutorial Thanks for the idea.

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7 responses to “Adobe Illustrator CS6 Basics – Create Cartoon Characters Tutorial Part 2”

  1. eyebe olivier says:

    Thanks for this tutorial. Your are the best!

  2. SpencerA99 says:

    hey keep up the tutorials on adobe. really helping me understand everything! thankyou

  3. Brian Crisp says:

    hell yeah my name is Brian too!

  4. PavelAndro says:

    My panda has a round head

  5. dweebcentric says:

    Very good tutorial – clear and seems easy for beginners to replicate.

  6. noah marley says:

    nice thank u

  7. BigNorman14 says:

    Let me just make this panda illustration… aaaaaaaaand it’s a cat.

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