Adobe Illustrator CS6 Creating a Logo with Pathfinder Tutorial

Adobe Illustrator CS6 Creating a Logo with Pathfinder Tutorial

Adobe Illustrator CS6 Creating a Logo with Pathfinder Tutorial.
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20 responses to “Adobe Illustrator CS6 Creating a Logo with Pathfinder Tutorial”

  1. illustratorccserialx says:

    not very smooth

  2. Peter Laverty says:

    You sound like Maralyn Manson 🙂 nice tutorial thanks helped me a lot

  3. okonla24 says:

    Thanks dude…great tutorial

  4. Jack Winstanley says:

    Press Window, then look for pathfinder.

  5. pato1470 says:

    where is pathfinder?

  6. mahmod abdulsalam says:

    thanks it was useful very much

  7. burner4337 says:

    Still can select the individual Pieces

  8. zonneoordlaan says:

    Not very smooth!

  9. Rami Abdelal says:

    Because it’s only for screen use as a tutorial on youtube. We won’t be printing it. If we did, we would probably be careful to only consider colours that translated well from CMYK and RGB, like many of the Pantone palettes.

  10. Rami Abdelal says:

    Make sure you select all of the items by dragging a box around them first

  11. MrHSingh says:

    great to watch a tutorial where you are moving and explaining clearly and quickly rather than at snails pace and talking random shit for 5 minutes before getting into it like most others! good job dude

  12. GanesSh Chhantyal says:

    thanks it was useful very much////

  13. alexdesignstuff says:

    RGB is for digital

  14. Kaden Rudofski says:

    My Pathfinder isn’t working. I’ll hit divide and it say’s it should be done in groups or layers. I don’t understand.

  15. Tom Esendam says:

    i cant find pathfinder

  16. XxTheMaster99xX says:

    CMYK is for printing, RGB is for anything else

  17. youyouyouguy says:

    Why use RGB and not CMYK?

  18. Felician Galgau says:

    Americanii creeaza website-uri, olandezii construiesc masini zburatoare, italienii fac autostrade moderne…SISTEMUL DIN ROMANIA…manipuleaza calculatoarele, intercepteaza telefoanele, manipuleaza oamenii…SISTEM DICTATORIAL FASCIST…TIGANII UNIUNII EUROPENE…GUNOAIE FASCISTE…TIGANII EUROPEI…SABOTORI FASCISTI

  19. David Quiambao says:


  20. Casey Pollock says:

    Great tutorial, straight forward and a really easy concept to grasp

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