After Effects Tutorial: CC Lens Explosion

Pretty simple tutorial, its been done in most montages nowadays when you want to emphasize a shot or kill. Make two layers, the one on top with the cc lens a…
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Video tutorial posted 04/08/13
Category: After Effects Tutorials

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lol ur right wtf…
Nice tut bro
1:49 That circle looks like a creepy face xD
What’s your second channel
2st……2st….anything out of the ordinary xD lol jk messin with ya
Tutorials coming on my channel soon! Just had a go at the cc lens explosion, only video up now but please leave some feedback on it! 😀
Thanks for uploading!
it’s only in CS6
Bakér i fucking love you! Without you my designs would be shit! Srry for my language 😉
@Baker when I keyframe the size to 500 the lens only reaches the outer edges width wise. Any ideas? Like if you have the same problem so he can see.
I don’t have “CC Lens” in CS5?
i just did it and it worked thanks baker u helped me a lot
did you have 2st cclens??
i learned this beafore i watched this video ;D
Dude Your You Telling The Be editor to improve His Tuts Man u have Ballz
Did you copy and paste the clip, and put the cclens on the top one?
You deserve a medal for keeping your composure.
i Do the same like you
but wenn i put the cc lens in
the lens is there but at the background its black ??
Heh heh this was the “effect” everyone just loved 🙂
how do you do that like pre-watch render thing?