Basic CSS Tutorial

Basic CSS Tutorial

This is a very basic CSS tutorial.

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24 responses to “Basic CSS Tutorial”

  1. Merdanization says:

    hey men can you tell me how to make the style, i cant see the icon anywhere!!! please i need it until tomorow

  2. James Anderson says:

    lol me too

  3. FleshMob says:

    Hey that was great tutorial , self-explainatory! 🙂

  4. Morgan Alexis says:

    am i the only one who doesn’t hear any sound

  5. Alvaro Daniel Vadillo Pérez says:

    que perdida de tiempo

  6. johnwong1313 says:

    Thank man it helped!

  7. sneekyfreak12 says:

    thanks dude i got it!=j

  8. dellerbeller says:

    You do not need dreamweaver. You’re link to the CSS page from your HTML page is probably wrong.

  9. sneekyfreak12 says:

    I saw a dreamweaver icon while you were saving style.css, do I need to install dreamweaver first to see the style? because the style is not working when i tried it…pls help! thankz

  10. theem0 says:

    simple, and to the point. Very nice and clarity for all new learners! Nice one.

  11. ไซ นัส says:


  12. Joshua277456 says:

    save your html file on your desktop and just click it, drag it and drop it onto your web browser icon and it should show up

  13. neogfxcom says:

    That’s because he’s using Firefox, not Internet Explorer.

    If you’re using IE, you need to right click under your address bar and check “Menu Bar”, then you’ll see the File, Edit, etc. menu. Choose File then Open. Simple.

  14. xXhotshot55Xx says:

    go watch jimmyr’s it a lot better and i got voice

  15. pkingRAW8 says:

    i cant get the style to work

  16. SakuraSasukealways says:

    My internet explorer doesn’t show that “Open file”

  17. mineshuge says:

    good job man! I’ve been trying to get to grips with CSS for ages now!! doing my nut

  18. xanderkhaan says:

    write it like link, rel, type and lastly thw directing href. AND SOME SOUNNNNNNNNNNND WOULD HELP !!! LOL

  19. loveajandaek says:

    Love your video! Easy to understand. Thanks a lot!

  20. Daniel8the8pagan says:

    very nice.

  21. yotremo says:

    well done.  Thanks

  22. mohammedbaboor says:

    lol. What font is that?

  23. mohammedbaboor says:

    thanks [5]

  24. Arielle Cruz says:

    It doesn’t matter how you order the link attributes as long as the important ones are present. As for me, I go with rel, href, media (if a style sheet), and type.

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