Dreamweaver CS6 tutorial: Positioning elements | lynda.com

Dreamweaver CS6 tutorial: Positioning elements | lynda.com

This Dreamweaver tutorial shows how to lay out the text, images, header and content divs, and navigation bar of a new web site with the CSS tools in Dreamwea…
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4 responses to “Dreamweaver CS6 tutorial: Positioning elements | lynda.com”

  1. Arjuna Qs says:

    contact me on arjunalovesyou@gmail.com

  2. Arjuna Qs says:

    I’ve followed this course. Its very easy and I got an idea how fast a website can be created. Perfect solution/guide for beginners…

  3. 7Kea says:

    please tell how to see the next part of it? I searched for the link but couldn’t find it, thanks I learnt a lot from this.

  4. SMorgan716 says:

    cool. thx

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