Excel VBA tutorial 18 UserForms and properties window

Please check out all my tutorials here!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/user/Malfunction9?feature=mhum An introduction to userforms and the properties window.
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Video tutorial posted 30/08/13
Category: Excel Tutorials
Tags: Excel, Properties, Tutorial, UserForms, window

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Cool.. Thank You was very useful could you please let me know where did you download the mouse pointer that your using…
why so fast?
Dim i As Integer
n = 19089
For i = 1 To n
If Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 9) < -2 = "" Then Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 11) = 0 any time i tried to run the code my excel file start stuck until I debug the code. your help will be more than appreciate.
f Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 7).Value >= -1 And Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 7).Value > 1 And Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 11) = “” Then
Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 11).Value = 1 this one of my code line that I want to run on my excel data , but i still don’t know why it doesn’t work. if you could please help me
hello malfunction 9 I have a problem with my code. it is if and then statement , i really don’t know how to fix the problem
hiii Great video i do not know if you can help me for my data base i have one big sheet for patients i created the user form but i can not link it to table date base at patient sheet if you did not mined I can send it to you you can help me to fix it……… thanks Ahmad
Hi how can I store multiple entries below each other for example
Jack Male Pizza
Jill Female Ice Cream
thanks so much mal, very clear and helpful.
bunch of crab!
Not sure if you have already done so, but teaching us how to extract an entire row of data based on a keyword typed into the inputbox would help. thanks.
just use the selection change event handler and then include code to change the validation on a cell. if you are not sure what the code is then just record a macro of you changing the validation of the cell then include if statements or cases so that the string changed to is different depending on the value of the first filter.
i want to make two dropdown boxes and corresponding to each element in the list of dropdown box 1 i want all the entries related to that element in dropdownbox 2.. for example first dropdown should contain months and days and if i click on months then dropdown box 2 should show only entries of jan,feb and so on..i want to do this by vba ..please help