How to use iMovie & Sync Songs to Lip Sync Tutorial

How to use iMovie & Sync Songs to Lip Sync Tutorial

Part II if needed: Here is a better tutorial if needed that is more concise:
Video Tutorial Rating: 3 / 5

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24 responses to “How to use iMovie & Sync Songs to Lip Sync Tutorial”

  1. Yochay Raviv says:

    hey man
    great stuff, but could you pleas show how to take only the video or only the audio from a clip

  2. mark eyre says:

    What the hell dude. You seem like a really nice guy but this was just the worst tutorial ever created!

  3. unstoppable423 says:

    Is it easy to make lip syncing videos on imovie be a use windows movie maker is ridiculous

  4. Hanna Chang says:

    I love the lip syncing task! Its fun and entertaining. 

  5. Josh Kim says:

    It was a great experience by trying out lip sync! Through this project I was able to learn a lot of new options that I didn’t know existed on Imovie!

  6. ca0wonseulk16 says:

    I wish we had computer app class in middle school. Then, I think all of my video projects would have looked way professional. I have learned so many new things about iMovie. Now, I feel comfortable using them.

  7. ca0song16 says:

    I think iMovie would be the best tool to use when doing something like lip sync. It makes it so easy to match up the mouthing with the words in the song along with other effects!

  8. ca0matthew16 says:

    iMovie is so much easier to use now, and it will help later on. It’s fun playing around with lip sync.

  9. ca0beomjun15 says:

    Good tutorial. Imovie is very useful and simple to use!

  10. ca0hannah16 says:

    I never knew that we could make lip syncs with iMovie! I never done this before and I think this is a really fun and interesting project.

  11. EarthAquila10 says:

    Can you make a link?

  12. Zachary Nichols says:


  13. mike black says:


  14. Magicman10111213 says:

    Tony hawk has an accent? Wtf

  15. kendelcuttin says:

    kiss my ass

  16. ca5lester12 says:

    It’s interesting how we use the iMovie to create our own Lip Syncs

  17. ca5sam14 says:

    It was slightly confusing at times, but the video really helped me start on my lip sync project. I was able to get familiar with iMovie and its basic functions.

  18. Elaina Brower says:

    I like how easy it is to put together the videos in imovie, especially with the transitions and themes you are able to put in the video.

  19. ca5irene14 says:

    I like how we can use transitions to make it look more realistic.

  20. ca5ellen14 says:

    I like how I can add transitions

  21. ca1tina13 says:

    I learned that through iMovie, making a lip sync video can be easy and fun!

  22. ca2yuriko13 says:

    I was so surprised that making lip sync video was really easy!!

  23. ca5esther14 says:

    Woah, i didn’t know you could trim a song with imovie. cool!

  24. ca5ashleyj15 says:

    I didn’t know that you could add different transitions from one clip to the other!

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