iMovie 11 Tutorial – Advanced Exporting

iMovie 11 Tutorial - Advanced Exporting

Get the most from your High Definition (HD) movie footage in the smallest file possible. This video will show you how to share (export) using Quicktime and a…

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25 responses to “iMovie 11 Tutorial – Advanced Exporting”

  1. beautybymelanie10 says:

    please help me out whenever i try to share my vid to youtube it says unable to prepare project for publishing. and says error in parameter list PLEASE HELP im getting real tired of this

  2. beautybymelanie10 says:

    YESSS i get unable to prepare project for publishing !! its so annoying and i had not had a problem before with this.

  3. Chris Carter says:

    Has anybody on here came across a problem on imovie where it said error in user parameter? What the bloody hell is that? It’ll also say not enough room in heap zone. Its always one or the other. I tried exporting the video and I’ve tried uploading videos directly to youtube from imovie and in the past it was doing just fine. Now it dont want to do anything and giving me those 2 error messages.

  4. RealCheese5 says:

    all the “share options aren’t available for me please help

  5. OfficialMcGeek says:


  6. Veronica Jenkinson says:

    i downloaded the x264 encoder and when i go into options it comes up as H264 (x264) is that it?

  7. naturalgallant says:

    I wonder if you could help me understand why the quality of my video is not as crisp after I upload it to youtube. I am using a canon t3i, and am Mpeg streamclipping the footage, before editing, and then I’m compressing the footage with Handbrake. I compress the footage to a MP4. Oh yeah, and I’m using I movie for editing software. Thanks.

  8. gograhamgoblog says:

    I also am not getting the same options you are? I wonder if x264 has changed?

  9. FurryPotter says:

    you sound just like jack black!

  10. twalean says:

    Hi, thx for the video… I have a imac and imovie11. I tried to DL x264 free from online but how can I imply x264 to my imovie video?
    Is there a website that you can recommend for me to DL x264… I have deleted the one I downloaded already…

  11. JayKation2000 says:

    every time i go to share you can’t use anything. help?

  12. Nick Garbien says:

    You sound like Jack Black

  13. Clare Thurkett says:

    where can we download the x264 from?

  14. Pedantic Posture says:

    hi i downloaded the x264 and have the same question as moobox. i opened the dmg and now i have no idea what to do with the folder. please advise

  15. felipeav says:

    Your website is very useful, as is this tutorial.

  16. Melissa Cunill says:

    CONFUSED? I CAN HELP!While this video was so helpful in making me jump on the x264 bandwagon, I still didn’t understand exactly how to get it into my computer. I spent hours trying. I finally found a website that shows you EXACTLY how to get it.For those of you skeptics out there…please trust me. This encoder not only cuts your file size down by about 65%, but it looks joke!….here’s the link

  17. Melissa Cunill says:

    restart your computer to clear up ram…it worked for me

  18. iMakemuzic says:

    Hye quick question. im doing just a simple One photo and audio video on iMovie it all seems good but when i export even tho i tried following tutorials on how to export BEst quality and blah blah The picture always comes out different than the one i used it becomes more blurry and the color changes…. you know how to export without losing any quality to the picture?

  19. iMovieFAQ says:

    Quicktime 7 right?

  20. moobox says:

    I downloaded the x264 codec from MacUpdate website and installed it via the .dmg installer. Now when I open iMovie 11 and export via Quicktime and hit “Options” I do not have the same configuration window that you are showing in your video. I’m slightly confused.

  21. TannertheJ says:

    Do you know how to set it so iMovie doesn’t chop off the top and bottom of the movie?

  22. ESPNlovestheDucks says:

    Everything I try I end up getting an error message saying that my heap storage is too full or iMovie crashes on me..any suggestions?

  23. freeridezach says:

    how do i use that encoder?

  24. Daniel Slagle says:

    export to QT use that as the encoder in the QT options

  25. Daniel Slagle says:

    download it and drop it in your plugins folder www003 dot or search for it on UIMFAQ dot com

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