Lightroom 3 Beginners Guide and Introduction

Lightroom 3 Beginners Guide and Introduction

This is a quick flyover to help get you accustomed to the idea of editing photos in Adobe Lightroom 3. This is part one of a continuing series.
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13 responses to “Lightroom 3 Beginners Guide and Introduction”

  1. Mentorcase says:

    Am I the only one that notices the elephant in the room, surely you would lose the woman doing something wierd with the clothes, cluttering up the pic.

  2. WildlifeObsessed says:

    Fear I need a hearing aid – mumbles are all I can hear.

  3. takeme2urmac says:

    Thanks David for this very informative tutorial. I am looking for an alternative to Aperture, seems that my old 4 year old Mac can’t handle it. I heard that Lightroom is less strenuous on the system. Is this true? I have just downloaded the Lightroom trial so your tutorial will get me started in the right direction, as I am a beginner in editing RAW files. I loved your examples. Thank you! 🙂

  4. peetahoward says:

    David thanks for this. Have just purchased L/Room and trying to use it. Having completed your work as shown in your tutorial how do you save those images?? Are they automatically saved when you close L/room ?
    Thanks Peter H.

  5. davidiamphoto says:

    D700 w 70-200 🙂 good guess though,

  6. Michael Marchesan says:

    5d mark II w/ 70-200f2.8L ?

  7. MsBeautiful0217 says:

    Great tutorial, thanks

  8. Tony H says:

    Very helpful, thanks for taking the time to do this.

  9. TheWubaduba says:

    A great tutorial!!!

  10. Yas A says:

    Hi, I subscribed at your video. My question is I am using Lightroom 3, how do you edit a bunch of photo at the same time for example 10 or 20 photos they are almost at the same level of darkness or light I want to edit them at once to save time.
    If anybody knows how to do it please email me at
    Thank you very much

  11. davidiamphoto says:

    Ask and you shall receive. I just fired up a video addressing just that! Check it out on my channel, thanks!

  12. scr1be says:

    can you go over image management / organization? what happens now? do you just save all the edited photos to a sub-folder within that folder?

  13. mikenzel4576 says:

    Cannot hear a thing

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