Make a Field of Particles (No Plugins Needed) | After Effects Tutorial

Make a Field of Particles (No Plugins Needed) | After Effects Tutorial

Eli is BACK and today he shows you how to create a field of particles within After Effects without the use of 3rd Party Plugins! =) New Gaming Video: http://…
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22 responses to “Make a Field of Particles (No Plugins Needed) | After Effects Tutorial”

  1. Thanh Phan says:

    really cool tutorial, thanks a lot guy !
    but it ‘s gonna much much better if you just do it and STFU :))))))))

  2. NerdOfHarvard says:

    BTW where can i get the music in the outro?

  3. NerdOfHarvard says:

    i love the part: “once you’re done crying for such beauty”

  4. Santtii - RyZe Member says:

    Buy After Effects… Lol

  5. Alex Alvanidis says:

    while ramp is used, i changed the language and its called “verlauf”

  6. Ch-Ch-Check It says:

    Rampe, Auffahrt, Schwelle? via Google Translate

  7. DieFr3333aks says:

    does anybody know what the effect “ramp” is called in german?

  8. Anxhelo Lushka says:

    hey Eli, i don`t have the CC particle world,only particle playground, what can i do?

  9. raza4147 says:

    love ur desktop and nice tut

  10. Luhiriri Guillaume says:

    U’ve got STYLE man i like it… Definitely like and suscribe and Y NO SHARE!! 😉

  11. Hudson White says:

    Thanks for taking the time to do these tutorials. They’re very easy to follow and help a lot!

  12. GKOALA7 says:


  13. Jordi Vr says:

    it doesn’t cost you any money … after you buy after effects :p

  14. Andre J says:

    you have a similar background to the people over at baka arts. do you by chance ever work with them?

  15. bortanradu says:

    The video you made got so much SWAG.

  16. Josef Layug says:


  17. Nuno Santos says:

    Song of the Intro? Google translation, sorry

  18. Kanou Kyosuke says:

    Hey there @ChChCheckItsClan I just wanted to do a really cool glowing lines effect but don’t know how to could you please make a video and demonstrate on how to make the glowing lines effect and a bit advanced at it so the back lines don’t show.. suppose consider a foot and the lines as a snake.. and wrapped around the foot I want to see from the front side and not the back lines of the you understand me man.? I really wanna learn this. Cheers mate. !

  19. sinyangwelewis says:

    hd desktop

  20. skyblu66606 says:

    Eli, how to made that gadgets for your desktop?

  21. OSCAR FORTY says:

    Soy tu fans an que no ablo ingles miro tus videos

  22. AlphaMc111 says:

    Hi Eli,
    I am having a bit of trouble right at the end. When I go draw my circle and hold shift I do not get a perfect circle. Instead I get a elongated oval. Even when I go to the size and make width and hight equal I still get a oval.
    Thanks -Alpha

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